These exercises help against headaches

In physiotherapy, the goals are not only to combat the symptom “headache”, but to achieve long-term improvement through posture training, muscle building and everyday handling. This prevents consequential damage and eliminates unpleasant headaches. Posture training always starts at the feet to stabilize the entire muscle chains from the ground up. Exercises 1) Exercise against headaches … These exercises help against headaches

What are the causes of headaches? | These exercises help against headaches

What are the causes of headaches? Headaches are a widespread and unpleasant complaint in our society. Besides many different manifestations, there are just as many possible causes. A common – or according to literature the most common form, which occurs especially in the typical office worker, is the so-called tension headache. The symptoms are not … What are the causes of headaches? | These exercises help against headaches

Further measures | These exercises help against headaches

Further measures Another measure that can be taken in physiotherapy for headaches is the so-called progressive muscle relaxation. Here not only the muscles are affected but also the psyche and thus possible stress. In a relaxed supine position with closed eyes, the patient is instructed to gradually tense and release individual muscle areas. The difference … Further measures | These exercises help against headaches


Pregnancy is an exciting time: the woman’s body changes and prepares for the upcoming birth. Unfortunately, this preparation for the pregnant woman is often associated with discomfort. These can often be alleviated with physiotherapy. Pregnant women learn gymnastic exercises adapted to the pregnancy, which counteract the complaints. Up to which point physiotherapy can be carried … Pregnancy

Pain in the HWS

Pain in the cervical spine in the area of the neck is probably known by almost everyone. This can be a pulling, a feeling of pain, a restriction of movement or a feeling of tension similar to a sore muscle. The causes and duration of the problems vary, but those affected often feel severely restricted … Pain in the HWS

Diagnosis | Pain in the HWS

Diagnosis In order to make an accurate diagnosis of the cause of cervical spine pain, it is important for the treating physician to know the patient’s medical history. From this information he can then draw the right conclusions for further diagnostic measures such as X-rays, MRI images or a blood count. Furthermore, the doctor can … Diagnosis | Pain in the HWS

Whiplash – important information and exercises

Whiplash is a traumatic injury of the neck muscles. Due to violent movements of the cervical spine, the neck muscles are torn and the resulting injuries occur. The symptoms of whiplash are manifold and can appear immediately after the accident or a few days later. Causes The causes of whiplash are traumatic. As a result … Whiplash – important information and exercises

Diagnosis | Whiplash – important information and exercises

Diagnosis After accidents, a general examination is carried out, which is not limited to the cervical spine area. First, the doctor will take a medical history to clarify the cause and course of the accident. After a detailed physical examination, follow-up examinations will be performed: Common examinations include imaging procedures such as X-rays or magnetic … Diagnosis | Whiplash – important information and exercises