Exercises for elbow pain

Elbow pain can have many different causes. The symptoms that occur can also vary depending on the injury and can cause restrictions in different movements. Part of the rehabilitation measures for elbow pain are especially targeted exercises for the painful elbow joint. Depending on the cause, these aim to strengthen the muscles, stabilize the elbow … Exercises for elbow pain

What to do for neck pain? | Neck Pain Physiotherapy

What to do for neck pain? In the case of chronic pain, a diagnosis should be made to determine the cause of the pain and the mechanism by which it develops. A treatment plan consisting of drug therapy, physiotherapy and, if necessary, physical measures can then be drawn up. It is also useful to check … What to do for neck pain? | Neck Pain Physiotherapy

Treatment | Neck Pain Physiotherapy

Treatment The most common home remedies for neck pain are, with regard to painkillers, ibuprofen, paracetamol and aspirin. The over-the-counter painkillers are harmless when taken over a short period of time, but should never be taken on an empty stomach. In case of long-term use or high doses, a doctor should always be consulted to … Treatment | Neck Pain Physiotherapy