After getting up | Heel pain

After getting up Heel pain that occurs after getting up in the morning typically speaks for certain diseases. Pain in joints is common in rheumatoid arthritis in general. This disease from the rheumatic form is characterized by morning stiffness. However, several joints and symmetrically on both sides are often affected in arthritis, so that not … After getting up | Heel pain

Pregnancy | Heel pain

Pregnancy During pregnancy, pain in the heel is common. This is probably due to the significant weight gain, which leads to increased stress on the entire foot, but above all also represents a significant additional load on the heel. During pregnancy, the increase in weight often leads to changes in posture and thus in statics, … Pregnancy | Heel pain

Inflammation of the back

Our back is a complex construction of ligaments, muscles, bones and many small joints. One of the most common complaints, from which almost 80% of all Germans suffer once in their lives, is back pain. There are many causes for this, but most of them are temporary problems which in some cases resolve themselves and … Inflammation of the back

Causes | Inflammation of the back

Causes Inflammation of the back, i.e. the vertebral joints, vertebral bodies or vertebral ligaments, can be caused by various rheumatic diseases, which are collectively known as spondylarthritides. The group of spondylarthritides includes five clinical pictures: Spondylarthritides are genetic diseases whose mechanism of development has not yet been fully clarified.Probably a mutation of a specific gene, … Causes | Inflammation of the back

Forms | Inflammation of the back

Forms Axial spondylarthritis (inflammation of the spinal column) is divided into two forms, depending on the presence of signs of inflammation or structural changes in the spinal column. Non-radiographic axial spondyloarthritis: No changes are visible on X-rays, but signs of inflammation can be detected on MRI. This is usually the case in the early stages … Forms | Inflammation of the back

Pain in the heel

Heel pain is a common symptom with many different causes. The heel spur and the inflammation of the plantar aponeurosis are particularly frequent causes of the pain. However, incorrect or excessive weight bearing can also lead to pain in the heel, as can incorrect footwear. The therapy is not always easy and often protracted. Where … Pain in the heel