
Synonym Singultus Definition Hiccups are sudden contractions of the diaphragm that irregularly or regularly cause parts of the air in the windpipe to be suddenly squeezed out. Causes of hiccups The causes of hiccups can be completely different. Depending on the age of the affected patient, different causes can be considered. Also the frequency of … Hiccups

Get rid of hiccups | Hiccups

Get rid of hiccups To get rid of hiccups, you can use a lot of general household tips. However, the response to these many different tips varies greatly, so you will need to try many methods to find out if you can get rid of hiccups. Probably the best known tip is to hold your … Get rid of hiccups | Hiccups

Hiccups when smoking | Hiccups

Hiccups when smoking Cigarette smoke is also a possible cause of hiccups. When smoking, the smoke reaches the lungs through inhalation and simultaneously comes into contact with the mucous membrane of the esophagus. Like alcohol, nicotine smoke is also a cell poison. When smoking, the mucous membranes of the esophagus and the windpipe are irritated, … Hiccups when smoking | Hiccups