What Causes Hiccups?

Basically, a short-lasting hiccup is nothing bad and usually medically insignificant, nevertheless, the loudly audible “hiccup attacks” are usually annoying, moreover, of course, they almost always occur in the most impossible situations. What happens during hiccups? Hiccups, called singultus (Latin for sobbing, rattling) in medicine, are caused by involuntary, rapid contraction of the diaphragm, closing … What Causes Hiccups?

Stop Hiccups Quickly

For a split second, your body pretends to inhale. The diaphragm and auxiliary breathing muscles contract, and the ribs expand. But then it happens: the inhaled breath hits the closed glottis with a loud hiccup. And not just once, but again and again. You have a hiccup. Causes of hiccups Possible triggers for the irresistible … Stop Hiccups Quickly

Causes of hiccups

Synonym Singultus Introduction Hiccups is a mostly harmless disease that affects many people. It often occurs suddenly and usually disappears on its own after a while. Therefore, it usually does not require a visit to the doctor. Only long-lasting hiccups that do not disappear on their own should be clarified by a doctor. Breathing works … Causes of hiccups

Caused by alcohol | Causes of hiccups

Caused by alcohol Alcohol is also a possible cause of hiccups. High-proof alcohol is often mixed with carbonated drinks such as cola or sprite and drunk together. The high level of carbonic acid causes the stomach to become over-inflated, which leads to irritation of the diaphragm and the associated phrenic nerve. As a consequence hiccups … Caused by alcohol | Causes of hiccups

Tourette Syndrome Symptoms

Sudden blinking of the eyes, abruptly emitted cries, abrupt sniffing of the opposite person: patients with Tourette syndrome show disconcerting behaviors. They can do little about it and – contrary to frequent assumptions – are not intellectually impaired. How does a person with Tourette syndrome feel? Imagine you feel a hiccup coming on. You’re sitting … Tourette Syndrome Symptoms

Tourette Syndrome Treatment

The diagnosis is made purely on the basis of the symptoms, in individual cases an EEG is written to exclude other diseases. TS cannot be cured therapeutically, and treatment is only necessary if affected individuals are impaired by their symptoms. This is especially true for children and adolescents to prevent psychosocial consequences (withdrawal behavior, resignation). … Tourette Syndrome Treatment

Tourette Syndrome: Course

The tics often occur several times a day, although the number, severity, type, and location may also change. In some cases, they disappear in between for an extended period of time. They often increase during stress, tension and anger, but also during joyful excitement. They can be kept in check to a limited extent by … Tourette Syndrome: Course

What to do in case of hiccups?

Synonym Singultus Tips/help with hiccups Hiccups, or as it is called in medical terms: Singultus occurs when there is an irritation of the nervus phrenicus, which supplies the diaphragm sensitively and is attached to the left and right of the diaphragm. (see: Causes of hiccups) This irritation is usually caused when there is too much … What to do in case of hiccups?