Summary | Physiotherapy for childhood hip dysplasia

Summary Overall, physiotherapy for childhood hip dysplasia is firmly integrated into the conservative therapy plan. This forms the basis for a child-friendly development despite hip dysplasia and helps to learn correct movement patterns, to train fine motor skills and to counteract later consequential damage or poor posture that can result from hip dysplasia. It is … Summary | Physiotherapy for childhood hip dysplasia

Physiotherapy for hip pain

Hip pain can have many causes. Worn out joint cartilage – arthrosis, trapped structures – impingement, inflammation, overstrain, leg axis malposition, too weak muscles, bursitis and other diseases painfully restrict the joint with every step. Various physiotherapy measures alleviate the symptoms, but it is important to work on the cause in order to achieve long-term … Physiotherapy for hip pain

Exercises | Physiotherapy for a difference in leg length

Exercises Exercises with a leg length difference are especially important and should be performed regularly. In physiotherapy, a compensation of the oblique position can be achieved for a short time, but usually does not last long. With a separate training program, the patient can work on his problems himself. Important here are exercises for mobilization … Exercises | Physiotherapy for a difference in leg length

Causes for a leg length difference | Physiotherapy for a difference in leg length

Causes for a leg length difference Causes for a leg length difference are different and can be assigned to the two different types. In the case of an anatomical leg length difference, a disorder occurred during growth. Either triggered by an injury to the pineal gland (injury to the growth plate) or bone fractures, hip … Causes for a leg length difference | Physiotherapy for a difference in leg length