Slimming with salts

Introduction What’s the process of losing weight? There are different protocols for taking a cure with salts, even whole books about how to proceed with a certain weight loss strategy. The intake plans range from at least one to several weeks. Most plans last from four to six weeks. What most of them have in … Slimming with salts

Dosage | Slimming with salts

Dosage To reach the right destination, salts first have to be diluted similar to homeopathic medicines. This is usually done with the help of milk sugar. In the undiluted state, they would be much too concentrated and would therefore be excreted directly by the body without being absorbed first. Dilution is therefore also called potentiation … Dosage | Slimming with salts

What can be the consequences of a tick bite?

Introduction In Germany, two diseases in particular are transmitted by tick bites. One is Lyme disease, which is caused by an infection with the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, and the other is TBE, which is caused by a viral infection. Tick bites often go unnoticed, which is why the diagnosis can often be quite difficult. Overview … What can be the consequences of a tick bite?

TBE | What can be the consequences of a tick bite?

TBE The disease TBE is referred to in medical terminology as early summer meningoencephalitis. This is an inflammation of the brain and meninges caused by a viral infection which can be transmitted by ticks. Not every tick contains the viruses that cause the disease TBE. Ticks in more southern regions are mainly infected. However, the … TBE | What can be the consequences of a tick bite?

What consequences can occur after several years? | What can be the consequences of a tick bite?

What consequences can occur after several years? Especially undetected infections with the bacterium Borrelia burgdorferi, which causes the disease Lyme disease, or after an insufficient antibiotic treatment can have long-term consequences. Among these long-term consequences, which often occur only after years, are the so-called Lyme arthritis, the skin disease Acrodermatitis chronica atrophicans Herxheimer and the … What consequences can occur after several years? | What can be the consequences of a tick bite?