Drugs | Inflammation after wisdom tooth surgery

Drugs Painkillers can be prescribed by the treating physician to support recovery and to relieve pain (wound pain). These are usually paracetamol or ibuprofen. Medications containing acetylsalicylic acid (e.g. aspirin) are less suitable, as they inhibit blood clotting. If the procedure was particularly complicated or if there was an infection before, the doctor will prescribe … Drugs | Inflammation after wisdom tooth surgery

Causes of palatal cancer | Palatal cancer – What you should consider

Causes of palatal cancer There are several known risk factors that promote the development of cancer of the palate or oral cavity. Two of the most important risk factors are chronic consumption of tobacco products and chronic consumption of alcohol. With the chronic consumption of tobacco both cigarette and cigar and pipe smoking play a … Causes of palatal cancer | Palatal cancer – What you should consider

Genital warts

Definition Genital warts are also called genital warts or codylomas. The technical term for these benign skin growths in the genital and anal area is Condylomata acuminata. Along with genital herpes and chlamydia, genital warts are one of the most common venereal diseases and are caused by human papilloma viruses (HPV). However, the presence of … Genital warts

Warts in children

Definition – What are warts in children? Warts are benign growths on the skin that often occur in children. The warts are caused by so-called human papilloma viruses (HPV). There are different types of viruses and depending on the type of virus, different wart forms such as spiny warts, flat warts or common warts develop. … Warts in children

Diagnosis | Warts in children

Diagnosis Warts in children are typically a diagnosis of gaze. The dermatologist or pediatrician can determine that it is a wart simply by looking at it. The position and shape of the wart can usually also be used to determine what type of wart it is. If there is any uncertainty, a tissue sample can … Diagnosis | Warts in children

Duration | Warts in children

Duration Many warts in children disappear on their own after weeks or months when the body has successfully defeated the virus. Under therapy, the warts usually disappear a little faster, but most forms of therapy must be repeated several times. Once the warts have healed there is no immunity. A renewed infection with the wart … Duration | Warts in children

Are genital warts contagious?

Introduction Sexually transmitted diseases, such as genital warts, are still often a taboo subject in our society. “Are genital warts contagious?” or “How do I protect myself from genital warts?” are therefore often among the unanswered but urgent questions for many people affected. Basically, genital warts, also known as condylomata accuminata, are a sexually transmitted … Are genital warts contagious?