Causes | Exercises for headaches during pregnancy

Causes Hormonal changes, changes in circulation, metabolism and sleeping habits change the woman’s organism. Due to the changed blood circulation of the brain and the changed supply with nutrients it can come to headaches. Avoiding stimulants such as nicotine or caffeine, which the pregnant woman may have previously consumed, can cause headaches. Psychological stress can … Causes | Exercises for headaches during pregnancy

Exercises for headaches during pregnancy

Headaches during pregnancy are not uncommon. Especially due to the hormonal changes, the balance of the woman’s body gets out of balance, especially in the beginning. The circulation changes, the metabolism changes, the habits change. Headaches occur especially in the first months and shortly before delivery. If the woman was already suffering from migraine-like headaches … Exercises for headaches during pregnancy

Exercises against neck tensions in the office | Exercises against neck pain

Exercises against neck tensions in the office Especially in the office, muscle tensions are very common. Since people often sit in a certain position and there is little movement, especially in the shoulder and neck area, the blood circulation is reduced, resulting in painful hypertension. It is best to carry out small relaxation exercises regularly … Exercises against neck tensions in the office | Exercises against neck pain

Exercises against shoulder/neck tensions | Exercises against neck pain

Exercises against shoulder/neck tensions 1. exercise – “arm swinging” 2. exercise – “traffic light man” 3. exercise – “side lifting” 4. exercise – “shoulder circling” 5. exercise – “arm pendulum” 6. exercise – “propeller” 7. exercise – “rowing “Against neck tensions, the exercises listed above help to loosen the rhomboids, back extensor, latissimus and short … Exercises against shoulder/neck tensions | Exercises against neck pain

What are neck tensions? | Exercises from physiotherapy for the neck

What are neck tensions? By definition, the word “muscle tension” is understood to mean prolonged, involuntary contractions of a muscle or series of muscles. The consequences are muscle pain and an increase in muscle tone. This can lead to movement restrictions, as the affected patient adopts a relieving posture, which in turn causes other muscles … What are neck tensions? | Exercises from physiotherapy for the neck

Further therapeutic measures | Exercises from physiotherapy for the neck

Further therapeutic measures To prevent or treat neck tension, you should consider not only neck exercises, but also massages, hot compresses, liniments, electrotherapy, autogenic training, nutritional counseling, work ergonomics, physiotherapy or yoga exercises. Summary Ultimately, about 90% of German citizens have had neck problems at some point in their lives. Most of them due to … Further therapeutic measures | Exercises from physiotherapy for the neck

Pain in the cervical spine

Definition Pain in the area of the cervical spine affects many people several times in their lives. Just like the lumbar spine, the cervical spine is a weak point in the human anatomy. Due to today’s lifestyle and reduced physical activity, it is increasingly exposed to incorrect strain. In most cases, however, the complaints are … Pain in the cervical spine

Diagnosis | Pain in the cervical spine

Diagnosis If the pain persists and does not improve, a visit to a doctor is recommended. The doctor will first examine the muscles and cervical spine for mobility and functionality. Psychosocial risk factors can also be assessed during the interview, e.g. professional and family situation, stress exposure and depressive mood. In addition, pre-existing conditions that … Diagnosis | Pain in the cervical spine