The Addison crisis

Introduction The Addison crisis is a dreaded complication of adrenal cortex insufficiency. In general, it is a rare but acute disease characterized by a severe lack of cortisol. The Addison’s crisis, or severe cortisol deficiency, is a life-threatening condition that requires immediate medical treatment. Causes The cause of the Addison crisis is the deficiency of … The Addison crisis

I recognize an Addison crisis by the following symptoms | The Addison crisis

I recognize an Addison crisis by the following symptoms The Addison crisis is characterised by a variety of symptoms. These include, among others: There is also a frequent drop in blood pressure, which can lead to a state of shock. Hypoglycaemia and dehydration (too little water in the body) can also occur during an Addison … I recognize an Addison crisis by the following symptoms | The Addison crisis

Associated symptoms | What is a dumping syndrome

Associated symptoms The typical accompanying symptoms of an early dumping syndrome are mainly cramp-like abdominal pain up to diarrhea, nausea and vomiting and circulation problems shortly after eating. In the case of late dumping syndrome, the main symptoms are classic hypoglycaemia, i.e. low blood pressure, cold sweat, ravenous hunger and feelings of weakness. Often there … Associated symptoms | What is a dumping syndrome

What can you do against a dumping syndrome? | What is a dumping syndrome

What can you do against a dumping syndrome? If a dumping syndrome occurs after stomach surgery, general measures can initially help. It is primarily recommended to eat slowly and consciously, although it can also help to take several small meals spread over the day. However, fast eating of large meals should be avoided at all … What can you do against a dumping syndrome? | What is a dumping syndrome

Poisoning in children

General information Poisoning (intoxication) is a dangerous emergency situation for children. While it is often not possible to find out which drugs or remedies have been taken in small children who have, for example, reached their parents’ medicine cabinet, alcohol intoxication is the most common emergency situation in larger children and adolescents. Symptoms Poisonings in … Poisoning in children

Causes Hypoglycaemia

Medical: Hypoglycemia Reactive hypoglycemia = postprandial hypoglycemia Fasting hypoglycaemia Exogenous hypoglycaemia Fasting hypoglycemia: hypoglycemia independent of food intake during fasting can have various causes. These include various types of tumors (including insulinoma (insulin-forming tumor), liver tumor), liver diseases and hormone disorders due to poor function of the adrenal cortex (cortisone) or the pituitary gland. In … Causes Hypoglycaemia

Accidents with the child

General information Injuries caused by accidents and traumas are the most common cause of death among children (childhood emergencies) in Germany. There are about 2 million accidents involving children in Germany every year. 24. 000 inpatient hospital stays make this necessary, with 650 children on average any help comes too late. Causes The main causes … Accidents with the child