MRT of the hip

General Magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) is an imaging technique that is particularly good at imaging soft tissue. In contrast to X-rays or computed tomography, however, the patient is not exposed to radiation. The images are created by means of magnetic fields and radio waves that align certain particles of the body in one direction. When … MRT of the hip

Preparation | MRT of the hip

Preparation An MRI examination of the hip usually does not require any special preparation. An informative conversation is held with the doctor, in which all possible questions can be answered. In addition, the doctor should be informed about any possible incompatibilities with contrast media. The doctor should also be informed about any claustrophobia that may … Preparation | MRT of the hip

Take off | MRT of the hip

Take off As a rule, it is not necessary to undress for an MRI examination of the hip, since the MRI images can also be taken through clothing. Only the shoes should be taken off. However, it is necessary to take off all clothes that contain metal. These can be pants or tops with metal … Take off | MRT of the hip

Presentation | MRT of the hip

Presentation In the images produced by magnetic resonance imaging, the soft tissues of the joint are mainly visible, i.e. the joint capsule, ligaments, tendons, muscles and blood vessels. Cartilage is also clearly visible. Water or bruises in the joint can also be clearly seen. The various structures can be highlighted very clearly, especially through the … Presentation | MRT of the hip

Computed Tomography of the Heart: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Computed tomography of the heart (CT) is a well-established diagnostic imaging modality that is becoming increasingly important in the field of coronary heart disease due to the use of high-resolution scanners. Tomography is derived from the Greek words “tomós” meaning cut and “gáphein” meaning to write. It is a radiological procedure for the three-dimensional imaging … Computed Tomography of the Heart: Treatment, Effects & Risks