Microtia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Microtia is a malformation of the outer ear that is congenital. In this case, the outer ear is not fully formed. Sometimes the ear canal is only very small or completely absent. Reconstruction of the ear and surgery to improve hearing are possible treatments. What is microtia? The malformation of the outer ear is congenital. … Microtia: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Biocompatibility: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Biocompatibility means the compatibility of artificial materials in direct contact with the human organism and the resistance of materials in the biological environment. These material properties are particularly important for implant dentistry. Lack of biocompatibility can provoke implant rejection. What is biocompatibility? Biocompatibility means the compatibility of artificial materials in direct contact with the human … Biocompatibility: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Ceramic inlay

An inlay is a form of dental prosthesis manufactured in the dental laboratory that can be permanently inserted into the tooth. In most cases, extensive carious defects are treated with an inlay. It is also possible, however, to treat dental defects resulting from trauma with an inlay. In contrast to classical, plastic filling materials (plastic), … Ceramic inlay

Pain on a ceramic inlay – What could be behind it? | Ceramic inlay

Pain on a ceramic inlay – What could be behind it? A ceramic inlay is made in the dental laboratory after the dentist grinds the tooth into shape and removes caries and diseased tissue. If bacteria have remained in the tooth, it is possible that under an inlay there is a caries causing the pain. … Pain on a ceramic inlay – What could be behind it? | Ceramic inlay

Surgical technique – anterior access route | Surgery for scoliosis

Surgical technique – anterior access route In this operation the patient is positioned on the back or side. The intervertebral discs and the front parts of the spine are then accessed through a lateral incision from the chest or abdomen. Access is always from the side to which the spinal curvature is directed. Then the … Surgical technique – anterior access route | Surgery for scoliosis

Surgery for scoliosis

General information During surgery to treat scoliosis, metallic screw-rod systems are inserted for correction. This system can be mounted either from the front (ventral) or from the back (dorsal). After the spinal column curvature has been corrected, the surgically treated spinal column section must be stiffened. This ensures a lifelong correction, but the mobility in … Surgery for scoliosis

Surgery on the tooth

Introduction There are a number of surgical procedures that are regularly performed in dentistry, because it is not always sufficient to free the tooth from caries and to place a filling. In the worst case, the tooth cannot be saved and must be extracted. The apicoectomy is a treatment attempt to save the tooth from … Surgery on the tooth