Lingual Technology

The lingual technique is an orthodontic treatment method using fixed appliances composed of brackets and wire archwires. For aesthetic reasons, the brackets in the elaborate lingual technique are bonded to the inner surfaces of the teeth facing the tongue, while in the more common labial technique (brackets are bonded to the outer surface of the … Lingual Technology

Lip Band Removal (Frenectomy)

Lip and cheek bands sometimes radiate into the marginal gingiva (the gum line). Here, their strong traction forces damage the periodontium (the tooth-supporting apparatus) and prevent natural or orthodontic gap closure, so they should be removed by the surgical procedure of frenectomy. Lip and cheek bands – called frenula – are made of muscle and … Lip Band Removal (Frenectomy)

Surgery on the tooth

Introduction There are a number of surgical procedures that are regularly performed in dentistry, because it is not always sufficient to free the tooth from caries and to place a filling. In the worst case, the tooth cannot be saved and must be extracted. The apicoectomy is a treatment attempt to save the tooth from … Surgery on the tooth

Cystostomy | Surgery on the tooth

Cystostomy Cysts are hollow spaces lined with mucosa. If a cyst forms in the jaw, it should usually be removed and last but not least, it should be examined to see whether it is a benign or possibly malignant change in the tissue. In cystostomy, a connection between the cyst cavity and the oral or … Cystostomy | Surgery on the tooth

Herbal Medicine (Phytotherapy)

Modern phytotherapy (Greek phyton: plant; therapeia: care) involves the prevention (prevention) and treatment of diseases as well as disorders of well-being by administering plants or their components (e.g., flowers, leaves, roots, fruits, and seeds). These plants are also called medicinal plants. A distinction is made between rational phytotherapy (based on scientific knowledge) and traditional phytotherapy. … Herbal Medicine (Phytotherapy)

Complementary Medicine: Holistic Dentistry

Under the term holistic dentistry. (Synonyms: holistic dentistry: complementary dentistry; complementary dentistry) can be used to summarize different diagnostic concepts and treatment procedures that see themselves as alternatives or supplements to so-called conventional medicine. For example, the World Health Organization (WHO) defines complementary medicine (alternative medicine, holistic medicine, complementary and alternative medicine, CAM) as a … Complementary Medicine: Holistic Dentistry


Hypnosis is a procedure for producing a trance-like state of consciousness. It is a type of wakefulness, but the sensory organs are less receptive. Only hearing is not affected, so that conversations between doctor and patient can still take place. In contrast to “show hypnosis”, the patient is not without will in this treatment, and … Hypnosis

Oral Acupuncture in Dentistry

Oral acupuncture according to Gleditsch is a therapeutic and diagnostic procedure established by the German physician and acupuncturist J. M. Gleditsch. Traditional acupuncture (lat. acus: needle; pungere: to prick) is an alternative medical procedure derived from Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM). It is based on the assumption that through the gentle insertion of fine needles, the … Oral Acupuncture in Dentistry

Vector Method

The Vector method is an ultrasonic procedure that removes calculus (hard deposits on the tooth root surface), germs and their endotoxins (bacterial toxins) from the periodontal pocket with little pain and while protecting the tissue structures. Periodontitis (inflammation of the periodontium) is a bacterially triggered disease of the periodontium, which is accompanied by an inflammatory … Vector Method