Laser-assisted Caries Diagnostics

Laser-assisted caries diagnostics is a laser fluorescence spectroscopy method that takes advantage of the different fluorescence behavior of healthy and carious tooth structure to detect fissure caries in particular at an early stage. Fissures are the valleys that run through the relief of the tooth surface in the longitudinal and transverse directions. They may well … Laser-assisted Caries Diagnostics

Buffer Capacity Determination

Buffer systems in saliva are able to neutralize acids and thus contribute significantly to the natural protection against caries in the dentition. The extent to which this acid binding occurs is determined by buffer capacity determination. The buffers contained in saliva are mainly hydrogen carbonates, but also proteins and phosphates. The buffer systems are formed … Buffer Capacity Determination

Salivary Diagnostics: Caries Risk Determination

There is great dental interest in being able to make reliable statements and prognoses about a patient’s individual caries risk. For the assessment, clinical findings such as oral hygiene, dietary habits, previous carious dental damage, or the presence of carious initial lesions (incipient decalcification) are always in the foreground. However, they receive a useful supplement … Salivary Diagnostics: Caries Risk Determination


The bionator is a functional orthodontic appliance developed in the 1940s by Prof. Dr. Dr. Balters. Like all functional orthodontic appliances, it works when growth is still present, i.e., in children and adolescents. Dysgnathia (maldevelopment of the teeth, jaws and/or masticatory system) that has occurred due to malfunction of the orofacial muscles (masticatory muscles, lips, … Bionator

Functional Orthodontics

Functional orthodontics (FKO) is an orthodontic treatment concept that aims to functionally stimulate the soft and hard tissues of the masticatory system through the use of appliances that are inherently passive in the oral cavity, so that they change their muscular functional patterns and respond with adaptation and growth. The theoretical approach is to view … Functional Orthodontics


A headgear (external arch, external braces) is an orthodontic appliance that uses extraoral traction bands (traction bands outside the mouth) to effectively apply forces to teeth and bone structures, especially those of the upper jaw. This is done in combination with intraoral (in the oral cavity) fixed or removable appliances. The headgear itself consists of … Headgear

Autumn Hinge

An Herbst hinge is a fixed mandibular advancement orthodontic appliance used to treat Class II anomalies (distal bite/lower jaw recession). Angle classes I – Neutral bite II – distal bite (mandibular recession) II 1 – with protruded maxillary anterior (maxillary anterior teeth inclined forward). II 2 – with retruded maxillary front (maxillary anterior teeth inclined … Autumn Hinge


Widespread disease caries – even in the supposedly enlightened 21st century, it affects a large number of people worldwide. As a branch of dentistry, cariology is concerned cariology is concerned with the causes and development of caries, the diagnostic and treatment options for carious lesions, and preventive strategies to reduce caries-triggering factors. Dental caries (synonyms: … Cariology

Adhesive Bridge

Adhesive bridges (synonyms: adhesive bridges, Maryland bridges), like conventional bridges, are used for the fixed closure of a tooth-limited gap in the dental arch. They are attached adhesively (by bonding) to one or both neighboring teeth without the need for extensive preparation (grinding). Unlike conventional bridges, whose abutment teeth have to be prepared all around … Adhesive Bridge

Combined Denture

Combined dentures (synonyms: combined fixed-removable dentures, combined fixed-removable dentures) are removable prostheses that are securely held to remaining teeth or implants with tight-fitting anchorage elements. Simple partial dentures are only attached to the remaining teeth with the aid of visible clasps. Although this sufficiently restores function, the esthetics can still be severely compromised. In addition, … Combined Denture

Partial Plastic Prosthesis

An acrylic partial denture (synonym: partial acrylic prosthesis) is a simple, removable partial denture (partial prosthesis) used to replace missing teeth. Its service life is limited to the wound healing phase after a surgical procedure until a definitive (final) restoration is made. During the wound healing phase after a tooth extraction (tooth removal), not only … Partial Plastic Prosthesis