Tooth Stabilizer (Retainer)

A retainer (synonyms: tooth stabilizer, retention device) is a removable or fixed orthodontic appliance worn to stabilize the long-term success of orthodontic therapy after it is completed. In the course of orthodontic treatment, teeth are moved in the jawbone, optimizing their position. This is possible by applying precisely measured forces. As a result, bone is … Tooth Stabilizer (Retainer)

Root Tip Resection

An apicoectomy (WSR) (synonyms: amputatio radicis dentis; apectomy; apical osteotomy; surgical root filling; radical surgery of apical periodontitis (inflammation of the periodontium (tooth-supporting apparatus) just below the root of the tooth; apical = “tooth rootward”); root tip amputation) is a surgical procedure in which the root tip of a previously root-treated tooth and the inflamed … Root Tip Resection

Tooth Transplantation of Wisdom Teeth

One also speaks of an autogenous tooth transposition or tooth transplantation, if one transplants (transfers) an autogenous (originated from the body itself) (synonym: autologous = transplantation: donor and recipient are the same/patient’s own) tooth through a surgical procedure to the place of a recently extracted (removed) tooth. If the tooth has not yet completed root … Tooth Transplantation of Wisdom Teeth

PerioChip: Antibacterial Chip

A PerioChip is a gelatin platelet containing the active ingredient chlorhexidine. The chip is used to reduce germs in gingival pockets on teeth damaged by periodontitis (inflammation of the periodontium), where it exerts its depot effect, effectively helping to contain periodontitis. The antiseptic chlorhexidine (synonyms: chlorhexidine digluconate, chlorhexidine bis (D-gluconate), CHX) has been used in … PerioChip: Antibacterial Chip

Bone Graft Substitute

The term bone substitute material includes those materials that are used in the reconstruction of bone substance as well as in the healing of dental implants. Bone graft substitute materials can be of both organic and inorganic origin (biological and synthetic compounds), with individual materials differing in properties such as pore size, particle size, and … Bone Graft Substitute

Mouth-antrum Junction

Mouth-antrum connection (MAV) is the term used to describe the open connection of the oral cavity to the maxillary sinus. This can occur during tooth extractions, apicoectomies, or tooth transplants in the maxilla and requires immediate treatment to avoid lengthy and sometimes serious complications. Symptoms – Complaints If an oral-antral connection occurs during a tooth … Mouth-antrum Junction

Polish of a Plastic Filling

Composite fillings (plastic fillings) are used for the restoration of tooth structure losses of small to medium extent. Due to their aesthetic match to the natural tooth color, they are an inexpensive alternative within their indication range (range of possible application) to more cost-intensive tooth-colored restorations that are less gentle on tooth substance, such as … Polish of a Plastic Filling