Diagnosis | Inflammation in the throat

Diagnosis The diagnosis in case of suspected inflammation in the throat comprises several steps. Probably the most important step is the detailed doctor-patient consultation (anamnesis). During this conversation, the patient concerned should describe the symptoms he/she has experienced as explicitly as possible. Symptoms that do not directly affect the throat (such as fever, tiredness and … Diagnosis | Inflammation in the throat

Pharyngitis during pregnancy | Inflammation in the throat

Pharyngitis during pregnancy In case of pharyngitis during pregnancy, a doctor should be consulted in any case. Mostly the inflammation is caused by a viral infection, which can be cured with home remedies such as drinking and bed rest. Pain therapy may be necessary because of the sore throat. Since many medications are not approved … Pharyngitis during pregnancy | Inflammation in the throat

Incubation period | Inflammation in the throat

Incubation period The incubation period is the time between infection and the first appearance of symptoms. However, it is usually only a few days. After the incubation period, symptoms such as sore throat and difficulty swallowing, a reddened neck, swollen lymph nodes and fever. However, affected individuals are already contagious before they notice anything of … Incubation period | Inflammation in the throat

Inflammation in the throat

Inflammation in the throat is a disease characterized by the presence of inflammatory processes in the area of the pharyngeal mucosa. The inflammation in the throat is divided clinically into an acute and a chronic form. Both forms of pharyngitis have different causes and require different treatment. Especially in children, throat inflammation is one of … Inflammation in the throat