How to diagnose pain when inhaling on the right | Pain when breathing in right

How to diagnose pain when inhaling on the right Since pain when inhaling on the right side is initially a very unspecific symptom, the diagnosis of the symptoms must be started very generally. The anamnesis, in which the origin of the complaints and typical risk factors can be inquired about, is usually a guiding factor. … How to diagnose pain when inhaling on the right | Pain when breathing in right

Therapy of pain when breathing in right | Pain when breathing in right

Therapy of pain when breathing in right The therapy of pain when inhaling is strongly dependent on the cause. Often a symptomatic therapy of the complaints with painkillers is sufficient. Typically, preparations such as Ibuprofen, Novalgin or Paracetamol are used for this purpose. If the pain on inhalation is so severe that natural breathing is … Therapy of pain when breathing in right | Pain when breathing in right

Pain when breathing in on the right side under the ribs | Pain when breathing in right

Pain when breathing in on the right side under the ribs If pain when inhaling is located on the right side under the ribs, one should think of diseases of organs in the abdominal cavity. In the right upper abdomen lies the liver, which is normally completely hidden behind the costal arch. In liver diseases, … Pain when breathing in on the right side under the ribs | Pain when breathing in right

The rubber dam

What is the rubber dam? The rubber dam includes a square rubber blanket that shields one or more teeth from the oral cavity. This rubber does not let liquids or saliva through. It also protects the patient from swallowing or inhaling foreign bodies. Through small holes or recesses in the rubber, the teeth can protrude … The rubber dam

Amalgam Removal | The rubber dam

Amalgam Removal Amalgam fillings containing mercury contain toxins that should not be swallowed. If a filling is to be removed, it is recommended to apply a rubber dam. Because when drilling out the filling material, amalgam dust is created, which combines with the drilling water. This water has to be sucked out, otherwise it flows … Amalgam Removal | The rubber dam

Costs | The rubber dam

Costs For the creation of a rubber dam there is no billing item in the assessment scale for dental services (BEMA). However, there is the possibility of the settlement item “special measures for fillings”. Even those insured by public health insurance who take advantage of private treatment must pay for the rubber dam privately, if … Costs | The rubber dam

Pain when inhaling

Definition Pain caused by breathing is a common and very disturbing symptom with many possible causes. Since inhalation is actively done by muscle work, while exhalation is mainly done by relaxing the respiratory muscles, breathing pain occurs more frequently when inhaling. The pain is often aggravated by forced inhalation, coughing, sneezing or laughing. In most … Pain when inhaling

Diagnosis | Pain when inhaling

Diagnosis Since there are very different causes, you should consult a doctor if you suffer from breathing pain. First of all, a detailed conversation is important in order to determine accompanying symptoms. As a rule, these already give many indications as to which further examinations must be carried out. If infectious diseases are suspected, a … Diagnosis | Pain when inhaling