Home Remedies for Inner Restlessness

With inner restlessness almost everyone has to fight at some point. Often, those affected simply do not know where this feeling comes from and what can be done about it. However, there are definitely some remedies that can help quickly and effectively against it. What helps against inner restlessness? Take time and engage with yourself, … Home Remedies for Inner Restlessness

Tic and Tourette Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Tourette syndrome involves chronic tics or tic disorders. Tics are involuntary sounds or words that are usually accompanied by equally uncontrolled jerky and rapid movements (e.g., twitching). What is Tourette syndrome? Tourette syndrome is the name given to a neurological-psychiatric disorder, the causes of which are not fully understood to date. The name of the … Tic and Tourette Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Sweaty Feet: Causes, Treatment & Help

The fact that the feet sweat is a completely natural process. However, if it happens more, it is called sweaty feet (hyperhidrosis pedis). This is usually harmless, but unpleasant for those affected and also for the environment. Therefore, many people are very ashamed of it. Especially the warm temperatures lead to this dreaded accompanying circumstance. … Sweaty Feet: Causes, Treatment & Help

Passion Flower: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Passionflower (Latin Passiflora) is a climbing plant native to the warmer regions of the Americas. The species Passiflora incarnata is used as a medicinal plant, and its leaves and stems are drunk as a tea. The plant is effective against nervous restlessness, tension and irritability, anxiety and some other ailments. Occurrence and cultivation of passionflower … Passion Flower: Applications, Treatments, Health Benefits

Psychotropic Drugs: Effects, Uses & Risks

Psychotropic drugs are a group of medications that act on the psyche of humans. Therefore, they are used to treat symptoms that occur in the context of mental disorders and neurological abnormalities. What are psychotropic drugs? Psychotropic drugs are used to treat symptoms that occur in the context of mental disorders and neurological abnormalities. Psychotropic … Psychotropic Drugs: Effects, Uses & Risks

Nicotine Addiction (Nicotine Dependence): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Nicotine addiction or nicotine dependence is both a physical and psychological disease that can theoretically affect anyone, should they start smoking. Unfortunately, there are also more and more people who get into nicotine addiction through passive smoking and eventually start smoking themselves. Getting away from nicotine addiction is not an easy undertaking and should therefore … Nicotine Addiction (Nicotine Dependence): Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Behavioral Disorders: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Behavioral disorders – also called conduct disorders – in early childhood may indicate later mental illness. Whether they have treatment value, however, is another matter. Most people exhibit some behavioral disturbances during their lives that are transient in nature. What are behavioral disorders? The simplest definition of behavior disorders is those that do not characterize … Behavioral Disorders: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Tension Headache: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Almost everyone has experienced it: tension headache is an annoying condition that severely limits quality of life, especially in chronic cases. The causes are varied and not yet fully understood. Nevertheless, there are effective treatments that can significantly alleviate tension headache. What is tension headache? Infographic on the causes and symptoms of migraines and headaches. … Tension Headache: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

How To Reduce Your Caffeine Intake

According to studies, coffee has a positive effect in many ways. For example, the hot drink is effective against diabetes, gout, liver disease and Parkinson’s disease. In addition, coffee is a stimulant and awakener for many people. But consumption of a certain amount can also be unhealthy. Often, a few tips and tricks already help … How To Reduce Your Caffeine Intake