Step-by-step instructions for inserting the soft contact lens | The insertion of contact lenses

Step-by-step instructions for inserting the soft contact lens Wash and dry hands Lens on index finger Pull lower eyelid down Pull upper eyelid upwards Place the lens on the eye Release eyelids, blink carefully Check seat in mirror All articles in this series: The insertion of contact lenses Insert soft contact lenses Step-by-step instructions for … Step-by-step instructions for inserting the soft contact lens | The insertion of contact lenses

What is the best way to relieve the pain of braces? | Pain due to braces – What to do?

What is the best way to relieve the pain of braces? Small open wounds in the oral cavity hurt the most. In order to protect the affected areas, the metal parts should be lined with dental wax at these points. The wax covers the sharp and irritating areas and gives the wounded area the opportunity … What is the best way to relieve the pain of braces? | Pain due to braces – What to do?

How long does the pain last with fixed braces? | Pain due to braces – What to do?

How long does the pain last with fixed braces? The complaints after the insertion of a fixed appliance are only of short duration. The tissues of the oral cavity have to adapt to the new conditions and the new pressure and tension is also a new event for the teeth. This causes pain, which usually … How long does the pain last with fixed braces? | Pain due to braces – What to do?

What kind of pain does the insertion of fixed braces cause? | Pain due to braces – What to do?

What kind of pain does the insertion of fixed braces cause? When the fixed appliance is inserted, a new load is placed on the teeth. Attaching the brackets alone is usually not painful at all. Only when the wire is anchored in the brackets and a force is exerted on the teeth does discomfort arise. … What kind of pain does the insertion of fixed braces cause? | Pain due to braces – What to do?

Phosphate cement

Introduction Phosphate cement is a material that has been used in dentistry for over a hundred years. It has a white color. Phosphate cement can be mixed together from a powder and a liquid and is often used as a luting cement for the definitive placement of metal crowns or veneer crowns and bridges. It … Phosphate cement