How long does the pain last with fixed braces? | Pain due to braces – What to do?

How long does the pain last with fixed braces?

The complaints after the insertion of a fixed appliance are only of short duration. The tissues of the oral cavity have to adapt to the new conditions and the new pressure and tension is also a new event for the teeth. This causes pain, which usually subsides after one to two weeks.

When the wire is changed, an increased pressure is imposed on the teeth, which in turn can cause pain. However, these complaints are also only temporary and disappear completely after a few days. If symptoms are still present after two weeks, the treating orthodontist or dentist should be consulted.

How long does the pain last with loose braces?

With loose braces, the patient generally has much less discomfort than with fixed braces, since they are usually only worn at night. Some of these braces are further stretched by the patient at certain intervals by turning an integrated screw with a key. Immediately after the rotation, a feeling of pressure is normal, as the jaws are stretched and the teeth also move.

A similar feeling occurs after the orthodontist has tightened (“activated”) the wires. After one or two days, however, this is no longer noticeable. After each new rotation, this condition is repeated briefly until the complaints disappear after a maximum of two days.

Pain due to braces brackets

The brackets, which are attached to each tooth in the case of a fixed appliance, constrict the oral cavity or, in the case of lingual technology, the tongue. The different types of tissue roughen and the brackets cause discomfort due to the protruding position. The sole application of the brackets by an etching process and the fixation with plastic is usually not painful.

The tensile load from the wire can also cause toothache through the brackets, as the load is transferred to the teeth and the strain exceeds the usual force. However, these complaints are only short-lived. Once the teeth have adapted to the new condition, the symptoms disappear.