
Introduction The thalamus is the largest structure of the diencephalon and is located once in each hemisphere. It is a bean-shaped structure connected to each other by a kind of bridge. In addition to the thalamus, other anatomical structures belong to the diencephalon such as the hypothalamus with pituitary gland, the epithalamus with the epiphysis … Thalamus


Synonym ProsencephalonThe forebrain is a part of the brain and thus belongs to the central nervous system. It includes the diencephalon (diencephalon) and the cerebrum (telencephalon). These emerge from the forebrain vesicle during the embryonic development phase of the brain. The forebrain has a multitude of functions, the cerebrum is essential for numerous processes such … Forebrain

Cerebrum | Forebrain

Cerebrum Synonym: Telencephalon Definition: The cerebrum is also called the end brain and is a part of the central nervous system. It consists of two hemispheres, separated by the longitudinal fissure of the cerebrum. The two hemispheres can be further divided into four lobes. Here, innumerable integration processes take place, including the following: Anatomy: A … Cerebrum | Forebrain