Pain in an intestinal loop

Introduction Depending on the localization, abdominal pain can have different causes. In some cases, the localization of the pain can already indicate the possible cause. Diseases of the intestine, i.e. the intestinal loops, usually cause abdominal pain, which is localized in the middle to lower abdomen. Since the intestine extends over the entire abdomen, pain … Pain in an intestinal loop

Where does the pain on intestinal loops occur? | Pain in an intestinal loop

Where does the pain on intestinal loops occur? Pain in an intestinal loop, which is localized in the right half of the abdomen, can give an indication of various possible diseases. In case of an incarceration in the context of a hernia, a loop of intestine located on the right side may be involved. For … Where does the pain on intestinal loops occur? | Pain in an intestinal loop

Other accompanying symptoms of pain in intestinal loops | Pain in an intestinal loop

Other accompanying symptoms of pain in intestinal loops The accompanying symptoms depend on the triggering cause. Often a cause can already be suspected from a certain constellation of symptoms. Pain in one or more intestinal loops that occurs in combination with fever can be an indication of the presence of an inflammatory reaction, as in … Other accompanying symptoms of pain in intestinal loops | Pain in an intestinal loop

Gut loop

Definition An intestinal loop a piece of the intestine that runs in one twist. The small intestine is up to six metres long and runs from the stomach to the large intestine. It can be divided into duodenum, jejunum and ileum. While the duodenum is C-shaped in the upper abdomen, the jejunum and ileum form … Gut loop

Diseases of the intestinal loops | Gut loop

Diseases of the intestinal loops Pain in the area of the intestinal loops can have various causes. One speaks of intestinal pain or visceral pain if the pain originates from organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Possible causes are an irritable bowel, Crohn’s disease, ulcerative colitis and tumours of the gastrointestinal tract. In the case of … Diseases of the intestinal loops | Gut loop


Definition In medicine, a volvulus is a rotation of a section of the digestive tract around its own axis. The rotation causes the blood vessels supplying the affected section to be pinched, thus reducing or completely interrupting the supply of oxygen. The consequences can range from intestinal obstruction to the death of the affected area … Volvulus

Symptoms | Volvulus

Symptoms Symptoms of an acute volvulus are cramp-like abdominal pain, a bloated abdomen, vomiting (greenish), diarrhea (sometimes bloody), peritonitis and shock. A chronically recurrent volvulus is manifested by a reduced absorption of food components (malabsorption), unspecific abdominal pain and constipation in the child. Diagnosis Diagnosis is mainly based on imaging procedures such as an X-ray … Symptoms | Volvulus

Therapy | Volvulus

Therapy Acute volvulus: The acute volvulus is an emergency, the aim of the therapy is to restore the correct position of the intestinal sections as quickly as possible. If a volvulus is suspected, an operation is prepared and performed immediately, since the time when the intestine is undersupplied is crucial to its prognosis and only … Therapy | Volvulus