Opium Poppy

Products Medicinal products containing preparations of opium, such as the opium tincture or an opium extract, are used less frequently. In contrast, the pure alkaloids such as morphine and codeine and related opioids are very commonly used medicinally, especially in pain management. Opium and the opioids are subject to narcotics laws. Stem plant The opium … Opium Poppy

Marshmallow: Medicinal Uses

Products Marshmallow is included in cold and flu remedies, for example, in teas, tea mixtures, cough suppressants, and candies. Marshmallow syrup is also prepared from the medicinal drug, and marshmallow is an ingredient in chest tea (PH) and the so-called snail juice. Stem plant Marshmallow L., like mallow – which is used for similar applications … Marshmallow: Medicinal Uses


Products Noscapine is commercially available in the form of lozenges, capsules, drops, as a syrup, and as suppositories. Except for Tussanil N, the drugs are combination products. Structure and properties The phthalideisoquinoline noscapine (C22H23NO7, Mr = 413.4 g/mol) is present in drugs as a free base or as noscapine hydrochloride monohydrate. Noscapine is a white … Noscapine

Cough Causes and Remedies

Symptoms Coughing is a physiologic defense response used to clear foreign bodies, microorganisms, and mucus from the respiratory tract. An acute cough lasts up to three weeks and a subacute cough lasts up to eight weeks. After eight weeks, it is referred to as a chronic cough (Irwin et al., 2000). A distinction is also … Cough Causes and Remedies


Products Cilazapril is commercially available in the form of film-coated tablets (Inhibace). Fixed combinations with hydrochlorothiazide are available (Inhibace plus). Cilazapril has been approved in many countries since 1990. Structure and properties Cilazapril (C22H31N3O5, Mr = 417.5 g/mol) exists as a white crystalline powder that is sparingly soluble in water. It is a prodrug that … Cilazapril

Bronchial Pastilles

Effects Bronchial pastilles have anti-irritant, anti-inflammatory, cough-irritant, and/or expectorant effects, among others, depending on the product. Indications Used for symptomatic treatment of irritable cough, cough with mucus production (catarrh), and for sore throat and hoarseness. Abuse Bronchial pastilles containing codeine can be abused as an intoxicant in overdose. Active ingredients Bronchial pastilles usually contain herbal … Bronchial Pastilles


Latin name: Tussilago farfara Genus: Basket-flowering plants Folk name: Burnt lettuce, clayflower, male flower Plant description The plant blooms bright yellow already in early spring. Only after flowering the leaves develop, which are covered with a white hair felt on the underside. Flowering time: February to March. Occurrence: Coltsfoot thrives especially on clayey soils in … Coltsfoot

Swine Flu (Influenza A/H1N1/2009)

Symptoms Flu symptoms with sudden onset: Fever, chills Muscle, joint and headache Weakness, fatigue Sore throat Dry irritating cough Especially in young children also digestive problems such as nausea, vomiting and diarrhea Other complaints (see flu) Complications The course is usually benign, mild to moderate, and self-limiting. Rarely, however, a severe and life-threatening course is … Swine Flu (Influenza A/H1N1/2009)

Icelandic moss

Latin name: Cetraria islandica Genus: Lichens Folk names: Hemorrhagic lung moss, fever moss, deer horn lichen, rasp Plant description Botanically speaking, Icelandic moss is a lichen, lichens are communities between fungi and algae. The ground lichen grows 4 to 12 cm high and grows forked, antler-like branched. On the upper side the plant is olive … Icelandic moss