Exercises for back pain during pregnancy

During pregnancy, back pain is not uncommon. Since pregnant women are somewhat limited in their choice of therapy, conservative therapy methods are often used, which help to get the complaints under control. Especially the execution of specific exercises to loosen, stretch, strengthen and stabilize the back muscles have proven to be a good alternative to … Exercises for back pain during pregnancy

Therapy/treatment | Exercises for back pain during pregnancy

Therapy/treatment There are numerous therapeutic approaches to treat back pain during pregnancy. Some of these options are listed below. 1) Tapen Taping is a popular and successful way to treat back pain during pregnancy. Usually the so-called Kinesiotape is used, which is an elastic cotton tape. These are elastic cotton tapes which act specifically on … Therapy/treatment | Exercises for back pain during pregnancy

Slipped disc | Exercises for back pain during pregnancy

Slipped disc A slipped disc during pregnancy causes exactly the same problems as a non-pregnant person. However, due to the increased weight during pregnancy and the shifted body center of gravity, the symptoms can be much stronger than usual. The main symptom of a herniated disc in pregnancy is also the strong shooting pain, especially … Slipped disc | Exercises for back pain during pregnancy

Sciatic pain | Exercises for back pain during pregnancy

Sciatic pain Sciatica pain during pregnancy is not uncommon. The unusual shift of the body’s center of gravity, the increasing weight due to the growing baby’s tummy and the softening of the tissue due to increased hormone production often lead to problems in the area of the sciatic nerve. The nerve runs from the lumbar … Sciatic pain | Exercises for back pain during pregnancy


Pregnancy is an exciting time: the woman’s body changes and prepares for the upcoming birth. Unfortunately, this preparation for the pregnant woman is often associated with discomfort. These can often be alleviated with physiotherapy. Pregnant women learn gymnastic exercises adapted to the pregnancy, which counteract the complaints. Up to which point physiotherapy can be carried … Pregnancy

Pain in the ischium

Definition The ischium (medical term: Os ischium) and the associated ischial tuberosity (Tuber ischiadicum) are anatomical, bony structures of the human pelvis. Pain in the area of the ischium or ischial tuberosity can present itself in different ways. In many cases, involvement of the ligaments or muscles as well as adjacent nerves is likely. In … Pain in the ischium

Associated symptoms of ischialgia pain | Pain in the ischium

Associated symptoms of ischialgia pain In order to find out which cause is responsible for the individual pain of the ischium, the attending physician will ask for other complaints that occur together with the pain. These accompanying symptoms can vary depending on the cause of the pain. If there are nerve irritations, the pain often … Associated symptoms of ischialgia pain | Pain in the ischium

Duration of pain | Pain while sitting

Duration of pain Depending on the degree of severity and localization, the estimated duration of pain when sitting varies considerably. For this reason, and due to the individual differences in the healing process, it is also difficult to make general statements regarding the total duration, even if, for example, inflammatory processes often show shorter courses … Duration of pain | Pain while sitting

Pain while sitting

Introduction Pain when sitting is an extremely common phenomenon affecting patients of all ages. Since the symptom can occur in many different parts of the body, it is a particularly complex disease with many different forms and possible causes. If you suffer from pain while sitting, it can be helpful to first consciously consider where … Pain while sitting

Diagnosis | Pain while sitting

Diagnosis Depending on the localization and a detailed anamnesis (questioning) of the affected person, the specialist can often make an initial tentative diagnosis regarding the cause of the pain when sitting. In order to be able to confirm or reject this, different examinations are offered depending on the case. For example, if a urinary tract … Diagnosis | Pain while sitting