Pubic branch

What is the pubic branch? The pubic branch is a large bony extension of the pubic bone (Os pubis) and represents a part of the bony pelvis. In total, the pubic bone has two pubic branches, an upper (ramus superior ossis pubis) and a lower (ramus inferior ossis pubis). The branches of the pubic bone … Pubic branch

Function | Pubic branch

Function The pubic branches have different functions in the pelvis. On the one hand they form anatomical structures together with other bones. For example, the foramen obturator is formed by the upper and lower pubic branch and the ischium (Os ischii). Vessels and nerves run through this large opening in the pelvis. Furthermore, the pubic … Function | Pubic branch

Pain in the right buttock

Definition The buttocks describe colloquially the buttocks of the human being. In purely anatomical terms, the buttocks consist largely of the buttock muscles, which are divided into three muscles of different thicknesses. Together with abundant subcutaneous fatty tissue, the buttock muscles form the well-padded buttocks, which must absorb a lot of weight, especially when sitting. … Pain in the right buttock

Common diseases | Large adductor muscle (M. adductor magnus)

Common diseases Due to its above-mentioned importance for the adductor canal, the large adductor muscle also plays a role in clinical pictures involving this canal. The large leg artery (Arteria femoralis) running through the canal is often affected by arteriosclerotic constrictions or occlusions. It is assumed that the narrowing of the adductor canal plays an … Common diseases | Large adductor muscle (M. adductor magnus)