ISG Blockade

Synonyms Hypomobility of the sacroiliac joint Cross-iliac joint blockage, ISG blockage, ISG blockage SIG blockage, SIG blockage, sacroiliac joint blockage, sacroiliac joint blockage, sacroiliac joint blockage General information The sacroiliac joint is one of the most therapy-intensive areas of the body affected by pain. 60-80% of the population suffers once in a lifetime from ISG … ISG Blockade

Differential diagnosis alternative causes | ISG Blockade

Differential diagnosis alternative causes From a functional point of view, a distinction is made between pelvic vaulting and ISG blockade Pelvic vaulting is actually a normal process when walking. However, if functional disorders occur that are not caused by the ISG, but by the spine, for example, or the upper cervicals, pelvic dislocation can also … Differential diagnosis alternative causes | ISG Blockade