Therapeutic methods | Cardiology

Therapeutic methods Depending on the disease, different procedures are indicated in cardiology. In general, however, a few therapy classes are in the foreground. A great many cardiological diseases – such as high blood pressure, heart failure or cardiac arrhythmia – often require lifelong treatment with drugs, whereby this so-called pharmacological approach is usually combined with … Therapeutic methods | Cardiology

Historical | Cardiology

Historical Cardiology has developed as one of its main sub-areas from general internal medicine. Most of the diagnostic and interventional methods were not developed until the 20th century. The ECG, for example, was developed at the turn of the century, the first heart operation having taken place only a few years earlier. Already in 1929 … Historical | Cardiology

Chronically ill

Introduction Chronic diseases are the most frequently diagnosed diseases in the industrialised countries. In Germany a total of almost 20% of the population is considered chronically ill. Not only adults but also children are relatively often affected by chronic diseases. Chronic illnesses therefore represent a large proportion of the diagnoses made and are therefore a … Chronically ill

Co-payment | Chronically ill

Co-payment The statutory health insurance funds bear the costs of medical measures and certain medicines for the treatment of chronically ill persons. The co-payment, which is always required of the insured person, must also be paid by the chronically ill. However, the maximum amount of these co-payments is reduced in the case of a chronic … Co-payment | Chronically ill

Cardiac bypass

Definition A cardiac bypass is a diversion of blood around narrowed and no longer continuous sections of the heart (so-called coronary arteries). A bypass can be compared to a diversion in road traffic at a construction site. In a bypass, a blood vessel, usually from the leg, is taken out, bridging the narrowed section of … Cardiac bypass

Symptoms | Cardiac bypass

Symptoms When a bypass is necessary, deposits have caused narrowing or blockage of arteries supplying the heart. The first symptoms of a cardiovascular constriction usually occur during exercise and are chest pressure, shortness of breath and shortness of breath, irregular pulse and reduced performance. If it is a severe vasoconstriction in the arterial system of … Symptoms | Cardiac bypass

Advantages and disadvantages of the minimally invasive technique | Cardiac bypass

Advantages and disadvantages of the minimally invasive technique With the minimally invasive technique, a distinction must first be made between two procedures: There is the Minimally Invasive Direct Coronary Artery Bypass (MIDCAB), in which the sternum does not have to be opened. In the Off Pump Coronary Artery Bypass (OPCAB), the sternum is opened. The … Advantages and disadvantages of the minimally invasive technique | Cardiac bypass

What factors negatively influence the prognosis of coronary heart disease? | Prognosis of coronary heart disease

What factors negatively influence the prognosis of coronary heart disease? The most important factor that negatively influences the prognosis of coronary heart disease (CHD) is the severity of the disease. Coronary artery disease is a disease of the coronary arteries. These can be narrowed by calcification and deposition of plaques. This results in a lack … What factors negatively influence the prognosis of coronary heart disease? | Prognosis of coronary heart disease

Chest pain in the woman

Chest pain causes fear and discomfort for most people. As it is common knowledge that chest pain occurs during a heart attack, it is mainly associated with that symptomatology. Although on average men are more likely to have heart attacks, women are equally concerned when chest pain occurs. In women, an important gender difference comes … Chest pain in the woman