Functional strength training | Fascias

Functional strength training Functional Strength Training is a holistic training method that reaches all components of physical fitness. Strength, strength endurance, endurance of the cardiovascular system, mobility, coordination and stability are trained in multidimensional sequences of movements instead of exposing individual muscle groups to isolated training. Functional strength training has established itself in many areas … Functional strength training | Fascias

Three-dimensional stretching | Fascias

Three-dimensional stretching Multifunctional slow stretching with changing vectors: In fascial training, the springy, dynamic stretching exercises (preferred for warm-up) as well as the variably designed slow, three-dimensional stretching techniques from changing starting positions are justified. With axis-aligned, “static” stretching left-link- only a certain area of the muscles and fascia is reached, other tissue areas are … Three-dimensional stretching | Fascias

Body perception relaxation – Sensory Refinement | Fascias

Body perception relaxation – Sensory Refinement Since fasciae as a sensory organ have a very high receptor density (measuring sensors), these diverse receptors should be addressed and sensitized by adequate sensory movement components, otherwise they atrophy. The stimulation of the receptors can be varied by pressure stimuli, e.g. with a fascia roller or ball (intensive … Body perception relaxation – Sensory Refinement | Fascias


Definition Fasciae are generally understood to be the connective tissue sheaths of the musculature. They consist of tightly interwoven collagenous connective tissue and elastin. Inside the fascia there is a layer of thinner, loose connective tissue. In the preparation of meat, everyone has probably had contact with fasciae at some time or another when peeling … Fascias

Anatomy | Fascias

Anatomy Superficial fasciae are located directly under the skin and subcutis and are very elastic and able to absorb body fat (in case of weight gain or pregnancy). Deep fasciae lie under a further layer of fat, they are less elastic and have a lower blood supply than superficial fasciae and are responsible for the … Anatomy | Fascias

Damage to the fascia | Fascias

Damage to the fascia Constant sitting, one-sided, recurring movement habits or lack of movement Excessive demands and strength effects on the connective tissue in everyday life or at work, or one-sided, excessive training loads Strains in sports, job-related recurring movement sequences Injuries, operations, inflammation Reaction of connective tissue to stress messengers – hardening of the … Damage to the fascia | Fascias

The fascia roll | Fascias

The fascia roll Fascia rolls are suitable for loosening fasciae and loosening adhesions without the help of a physiotherapist. They are, as the name suggests, rolls that are made of different materials depending on the design and have a specific surface structure and size (diameter). They are also available as balls, balls or hedgehog balls. … The fascia roll | Fascias

Fascial Training | Fascias

Fascial Training The idea of fascial training is based on the assumption that with age and lack of exercise, the fasciae become sticky and matted over time. This leads to long-term and chronic malpositions that cause pain and discomfort. The fasciae can be loosened and softened again by regular training with a fascial roller. The … Fascial Training | Fascias