What is the right load for the foot? | Metatarsal fracture – pain afterwards

What is the right load for the foot? The right load for the foot depends on the type and severity of the fracture. Either way, the foot is immobilized with a splint, plaster or tape for 4-6 weeks in the initial phase of the injury. Under certain circumstances, however, the foot may already be fully … What is the right load for the foot? | Metatarsal fracture – pain afterwards

When can the foot be loaded again? | Metatarsal fracture – pain afterwards

When can the foot be loaded again? The question of when the foot should be loaded again after a metatarsal fracture also depends on what type of fracture it is and whether surrounding tissue is also damaged. The choice of the treatment method also influences the duration until full weight-bearing is achieved. In general, the … When can the foot be loaded again? | Metatarsal fracture – pain afterwards

Exercises to imitate | Metatarsal fracture – pain afterwards

Exercises to imitate To speed up the healing process of a metatarsal fracture, there are many small exercises that aim to strengthen the muscles and give the foot more strength and stability. However, the exercises may only be performed after removal of the immobilization bandage and after consultation with the treating physicians. Strengthening the musculature … Exercises to imitate | Metatarsal fracture – pain afterwards

Therapy for a metatarsal fracture | Metatarsal fracture – pain afterwards

Therapy for a metatarsal fracture Which therapy is used for a metatarsal fracture depends on which metatarsal bone is affected and how complicated the fracture is. For simple fractures, conservative therapy is often sufficient, but if the fracture is more complicated, it is usually treated surgically. In general, however, the therapy is always divided into … Therapy for a metatarsal fracture | Metatarsal fracture – pain afterwards

Kinesiotape in physiotherapy

The method of kinesiotaping was developed by a Japanese chiropractor and, unlike the classic tape, is not a stabilizing or fixing tape, but maintains full mobility. Kinesiotape is an elastic, self-adhesive tape, which is produced in various colors. Its texture is largely resistant even when exposed to water and can therefore be worn while swimming … Kinesiotape in physiotherapy

Summary | Kinesiotape in physiotherapy

Summary Kinesiotapes are elastic tapes that are suitable for a variety of treatments. They should be applied by trained therapists or doctors. Today, however, there is also a wide range of information material on the market for amateur-friendly application. Kinesiotapes can be bought in pharmacies, online or from the therapist. Meanwhile they can also be … Summary | Kinesiotape in physiotherapy