
Stem plant Ruiz and Pavon, Krameriaceae. Medicinal drug Ratanhiae radix – Ratanhia root: Ratanhia root, known as Peru ratanhia, consists of the dried, usually broken, underground organs of Ruiz and Pavon (PhEur). PhEur requires a minimum content of tannins. Preparations Ratanhiae extractum siccum normatum PH 10 Ratanhiae tinctura PhEur Ingredients Tannins: catechin tannins, proanthocyanidins, tannin … Ratanhia

Ratanhia (Krameria triandra)

Krameriaceae Plant description In the Andes of Bolivia and Peru this shrub grows in sandy locations. The leaves are long and pointed and hairy yellowish-white on both sides. From the red flowers spiny fruits are formed which contain only one seed. The root. One digs the fist-thick root of wild growing plants, washes and dries … Ratanhia (Krameria triandra)