What is a corrective spondylodesis? | Spondylodesis

What is a corrective spondylodesis? A corrective spondylodesis is a surgical procedure that treats curvatures and rotations of the spine. Corrective spondylodesis is primarily used to treat scoliosis. During surgery, the vertebral bodies are brought into the best possible position and this position is mechanically fixed with screws and metal plates. The aim of a … What is a corrective spondylodesis? | Spondylodesis

Am I allowed to do sports after a tattoo has been pierced? | Can I exercise after the tattoo?

Am I allowed to do sports after a tattoo has been pierced? When re-piercing a tattoo, the waiting time until you can start playing sports again is somewhat shorter. The re-piercing of a tattoo is usually not as complicated and time-consuming as the pricking of a new tattoo. Nevertheless, the skin is injured here as … Am I allowed to do sports after a tattoo has been pierced? | Can I exercise after the tattoo?


Introduction Pregnancy tests, which can be purchased in a drugstore or pharmacy, are a popular alternative to a pregnancy test at a gynaecologist. Probably the best known brand name for drugstore pregnancy tests is Clearblue®. There are now not only different types of pregnancy test available under the Clearblue® brand, but also ovulation tests, which … Clearblue®

The different pregnancy tests from Clearblue® are | Clearblue®

The different pregnancy tests from Clearblue® are Unilever offers a total of 5 different models of home pregnancy test, which differ in price, display mode and speed of the test result. The standard version displays the words “pregnant” or “not pregnant” in a digital window. If this test is extended, the time remaining until the … The different pregnancy tests from Clearblue® are | Clearblue®

Taping of torn muscle fibers

Introduction In the taping procedure of a torn muscle fibre, an elastic kinesiotape is placed over the damaged muscle, fixed and left in this position for a few days or weeks. The taping method is a treatment method that has been used for several years in orthopedics and sports medicine to relieve muscle strain. The … Taping of torn muscle fibers

Instructions for Kinesiotape | Taping of torn muscle fibers

Instructions for Kinesiotape A few points should be observed to ensure successful use. First of all, the practitioner should sit or lie down in such a way that the patient can reach the corresponding muscle to be treated very well. Then the practitioner should have a very good theoretical understanding of the muscle’s course (anatomical … Instructions for Kinesiotape | Taping of torn muscle fibers

Diagnosis of ADHD | ADHD

Diagnosis of ADHD As already mentioned in the thematic section “Frequency”, the diagnosis is not always easy. As with all diagnoses in the field of learning, a specific warning must be given against a diagnosis that is too fast and too one-sided. This does not, however, encourage a “blinkered thinking” and hope that the problems … Diagnosis of ADHD | ADHD

Therapy | ADHD

Therapy The therapy of ADHD should always be individually tailored to the deficits of the child and, if possible, should take a holistic approach. Holistic means that therapist, parents and school work together to achieve the best possible results through cooperation. Furthermore, the social-emotional area should be addressed as well as the psychomotor and cognitive … Therapy | ADHD