Therapy of an addiction

The most important thing in the therapy of addiction is the motivation or willingness to change of the patient. Without motivation, the disease will never be treated sustainably. The reason why most addicts have so much trouble motivating themselves is due to the difference between positive effects “in the here and now” and the negative … Therapy of an addiction

Prevention of a relapse | Therapy of an addiction

Prevention of a relapse Prevention of relapse:This therapeutic approach also follows different stages. In this stage, situations are identified in which the patient has experienced certain moods in the past that led to consumption. Stage How can dangerous situations be avoided:Often patients with an addiction are in very problematic life situations. For this reason, it … Prevention of a relapse | Therapy of an addiction

Adhesions in the abdomen

What are adhesions in the abdomen? Adhesions in the abdomen are tissue bridges that connect organs with each other or organs with the abdominal wall. They are not physiologically present and often occur after surgical interventions in the abdominal cavity. In technical terminology, adhesions are referred to as adhesion What causes adhesions in the abdominal … Adhesions in the abdomen

Tongue cleaner

What is a tongue cleaner? In addition to the normal toothbrush, there are special tongue cleaners with which you can easily clean the back third of the tongue. Using a tongue cleaner can prevent bad breath, improve taste sensation and promote health. Tongue cleaner can remove the bacteria that are deposited in a variety of … Tongue cleaner