Nutrition for overweight children and adolescents

They are essential in a healthy diet for children and provide important nutrients such as high-quality protein and calcium for growth and bone formation. Children and young people, just like adults, currently eat too much fat, especially in the form of saturated fatty acids. Therefore low-fat milk and dairy products should be preferred. Instead of … Nutrition for overweight children and adolescents

2. meat and meat products | Nutrition for overweight children and adolescents

2. meat and meat products 2. meat and meat products Meat provides high-quality protein, zinc, niacin and iron. The iron in meat is easily digestible by the body, but this does not mean that children have to eat meat every day. Two to three portions per week are enough. Wholemeal products contain iron and in … 2. meat and meat products | Nutrition for overweight children and adolescents

Consequences of overweight

Introduction The number of overweight people in Germany and in industrialized countries in general is constantly increasing. Not only the number of overweight people is increasing, but also the level of obesity. One speaks of overweight from a body mass index (BMI) of over 25, and from a BMI of over 30 one speaks of … Consequences of overweight

Consequences of overweight in children and adolescents | Consequences of overweight

Consequences of overweight in children and adolescents About 15% of all children are overweight. The more overweight children are, the more likely it is that the obesity will persist into adulthood. This also depends on whether the parents are also affected by overweight. Overweight children have a significantly increased risk of developing diabetes mellitus type … Consequences of overweight in children and adolescents | Consequences of overweight

Consequences of overweight in old age | Consequences of overweight

Consequences of overweight in old age With increasing age overweight people usually suffer from various chronic diseases. They are then so-called multimorbid patients (people with several diseases) with a range of medications that they must take regularly. Quite a few overweight people suffer from diabetes, high blood pressure, elevated blood lipid levels (i.e. a metabolic … Consequences of overweight in old age | Consequences of overweight