Leprosy (Leprous): Description, Symptoms

Brief overview Symptoms: The symptoms depend on the particular form of leprosy. Possible symptoms include skin changes, loss of tactile sensation and paralysis. Prognosis: Leprosy is curable if it is treated correctly. However, if early treatment is not received, the disease may lead to progressive and permanent damage. Causes: Leprosy is caused by the bacterium … Leprosy (Leprous): Description, Symptoms

Charcot Foot: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Charcot foot represents a rare special form of diabetic foot. It involves softening of the bone, which eventually breaks even under normal stress. What is Charcot foot? Charcot foot or Charcot arthropathy primarily affects diabetics. Thus, 95 percent of all patients are people who have diabetes mellitus. Charcot foot is considered a rarely occurring special … Charcot Foot: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Langhans Giant Cells: Structure, Function & Diseases

Langhans giant cells are immune cells composed of fused macrophages and form a typical component of inflammatory granulomas. Their exact function for the immune system has not yet been fully elucidated. They have been observed in the context of infections such as leprosy and chronic inflammations such as Crohn’s disease or sarcoidosis. What are Langhans … Langhans Giant Cells: Structure, Function & Diseases

Ranvier Lacing Rings: Structure, Function & Diseases

Neurologists refer to Ranvier’s laced rings as the exposed sites of axons. Thus, the lacing rings play an important role in saltatory excitation conduction and in the generation of action potentials. In demyelinating diseases, this saltatory excitation conduction is impaired. What are Ranvier’s cord rings? Ranvier’s cord rings are a component of nerves. They are … Ranvier Lacing Rings: Structure, Function & Diseases

Leprosy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Also known as leprosy, leprosy is one of the bacterial infectious diseases. It is highly contagious and not infrequently fatal if left untreated. However, through timely detection and treatment with antibiotics, leprosy is curable today. In Germany, leprosy occurs only very rarely due to very good hygienic conditions. In tropical countries, such as India, however, … Leprosy: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Mycobacteria: Infection, Transmission & Diseases

Mycobacteria represent a genus of aerobic bacteria. Some of their species cause serious diseases such as leprosy and tuberculosis. What are mycobacteria? From Mycobacterium or Mycobacterium is formed a genus of bacteria that includes about 100 species. Mycobacteria belong to the family Mycobacteriaceae, of which they are the only representatives. Mycobacteria also include species that … Mycobacteria: Infection, Transmission & Diseases