Flax Health Benefits

Products Flaxseed and flax oil are available in pharmacies and drugstores, among other places. They are also included in medicinal products. Stem plant Linaceae, seed flax, flax. Medicinal drug Linseed (Lini semen), the dried, ripe seeds of L. Linseed oil and linseed meal are also prepared from the seeds as a medicinal raw material. Ingredients … Flax Health Benefits


Linum usitatissimum Flax, flax lentilsThe annual plant flax grows up to 50 cm high, stands out due to its graceful stem with narrow leaves and sky-blue five-petalled flowers. These develop into a capsule containing brown to yellow, shiny seeds. Occurrence: The flax was already cultivated by the Egyptians. Today it is widely planted in cultures … Flax