The male breast

Introduction The male breast (Mamma masculina) is in principle designed in the same way as the female breast. In contrast to the female form, the male breast is not considered a secondary sexual characteristic. Structure of the male breast Due to a lack of hormonal processes, however, the male breast does not develop further, but … The male breast

History of liposuction

Since the beginning of the 20th century, the first attempts have been made to medically remove disturbing fat deposits. However, these were not crowned with success. Rather, the incisions were too large and large parts of the skin were removed, the wounds healed poorly and left the patient with large scars. In addition, the poor … History of liposuction

Plastic Surgery: Treatment, Effect & Risks

The term plastic surgery is usually first thought of cosmetic surgery. These procedures are a domain of plastic or aesthetic surgery. However, plastic surgery also has its importance as reconstructive surgery, which helps sick people. What is plastic surgery? Plastic surgery is a branch of surgery. It deals with performing shape-changing and reconstructive surgical procedures. … Plastic Surgery: Treatment, Effect & Risks

Liposuction on the inner side of the thigh | How do I remove the bacon from the inside of my thigh?

Liposuction on the inner side of the thigh Liposuction, also called liposuction, is a procedure performed by plastic surgeons. These are often referred to as plastic surgeons. Liposuction is a medical procedure that involves risks that should be considered beforehand. Anesthesia is necessary for liposuction. For liposuction of the inner thigh, a so-called tumescent solution … Liposuction on the inner side of the thigh | How do I remove the bacon from the inside of my thigh?

How can the inner thigh be tightened? | How do I remove the bacon from the inside of my thigh?

How can the inner thigh be tightened? Tightening the inner thighs is mainly achieved through regular training. The training leads to a strengthening of the muscles and a reduction of the fat layer under the skin, which is also called subcutaneous fat. In addition, regular massages of the skin and alternating showers with warm and … How can the inner thigh be tightened? | How do I remove the bacon from the inside of my thigh?

Lipoma on arm

Lipomas, also known as fatty tissue tumors, are among the most common tumors of soft tissue and are almost always benign. They occur mainly on the trunk, arms and legs. In the vast majority of cases, lipomas remain asymptomatic and are only discovered by those affected when they are large enough to be palpated through … Lipoma on arm

Diagnosis | Lipoma on arm

Diagnosis As a rule, your dermatologist will already recognize a lipoma by means of a glance or touch diagnosis. Mostly it is of soft consistency, well palpable, lobed and easily movable. Sometimes, however, the fat nodes may feel rather rough and hard. Their size ranges from the size of a pea to the size of … Diagnosis | Lipoma on arm

Prognosis | Lipoma on arm

Prognosis Lipomas only very rarely degenerate into malignant tumors. Above a certain size or unfavorable localization, such as above a skin nerve on the forearm, pain or functional impairment can be observed. In almost all cases, however, the removal of the tumor will result in the absence of symptoms. All articles in this series: Lipoma … Prognosis | Lipoma on arm

Operation of a lipoma

Introduction A lipoma is a benign tumor that originates from the body’s fat cells. In most cases (99%), lipomas grow directly under the skin, so they are often disturbing. In most cases, lipomas are very small and their size is in the millimeter range. Sometimes they can also become very large, up to 20cm. The … Operation of a lipoma