PoisoningIntoxication | Local anesthetics

PoisoningIntoxication Since local anaesthetics are usually applied locally in low concentrations, systemic effects and intoxications are rare. However, if a larger concentration enters the bloodstream, various symptoms of intoxication may occur, such as metallic taste in the mouth, numbness around the mouth, tinnitus, cramps, coma, etc. The heart can also be affected and cardiac dysrhythmias … PoisoningIntoxication | Local anesthetics

The Morton Neurom

What is Morton Neuralgia? Morton neuralgia, also known as Morton metatarsalgia, is a progressive disease of the nerves that run from the bottom of the foot to each toe. In this disease, the affected persons complain of numbness at rest and pain when the foot is moved for a longer period of time or when … The Morton Neurom

The diagnosis | The Morton Neurom

The diagnosis The diagnosis consists of the appropriate symptoms, the exclusion of other diseases and, in this case, a correspondingly proving imaging. In addition to pain while walking, coupled with the numbness, the pain character gives a decisive indication for the correct diagnosis. However, in order to ensure this, the foot must be examined either … The diagnosis | The Morton Neurom

What is a foot block?

Definition The foot block is a regional anesthetic procedure to perform painless operations or wound care on the foot. Around the lower leg, just above the ankle, local anesthetic is injected at several points, thus blocking nerve transmission at this point. The entire foot is not sensitive to pain. The mobility of the foot is … What is a foot block?