Femoral neck fracture in older people | Physiotherapy for a fracture of the femoral neck

Femoral neck fracture in older people The femoral neck fracture is a typical fracture of the elderly, especially women are often affected, as women have an increased risk of osteoporosis. The altered bone structure is less resilient and tends to break when force is applied. Frequently, falls occur in the home environment, which lead to … Femoral neck fracture in older people | Physiotherapy for a fracture of the femoral neck

Myelogenesis: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Myelogenesis is the medical term used to describe, first, embryonic spinal cord formation and, second, the formation of the medulla of all medullary nerves, which is carried out by oligodendroglia and Schwann cells. Both meanings of the term deal with developmental processes of the nervous system. Disorders of these developmental processes result in functional impairment … Myelogenesis: Function, Tasks, Role & Diseases

Discography: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Discography is used for chronic deep-seated back pain that allows conclusions to be drawn about discogenic (disc-related) causes. Under X-ray guidance, degenerative changes in the disc are visualized using a contrast agent. What is discography? Discography (also discography) is a radiographic diagnostic procedure used to visualize intervertebral discs (discus or discus intervertebralis) using a contrast … Discography: Treatment, Effects & Risks

Nerve root inflammation

Definiton A nerve root inflammation, also called radiculopathy, radiculitis or root neuritis, describes the damage and irritation of a nerve root at the spine. A pair of nerve roots emerges between each vertebra: One pair each on the left and right. The nerve root can be damaged at this exit point. This can be an … Nerve root inflammation

Nerve root inflammation of the cervical spine | Nerve root inflammation

Nerve root inflammation of the cervical spine Inflammations of the nerve roots in the area of the cervical spine are often very unpleasant and sometimes associated with very severe pain. Depending on the site of the inflammation, the affected persons have tension in the neck, shoulder or between the shoulder blades. The tension can be … Nerve root inflammation of the cervical spine | Nerve root inflammation