Rare surgical indications | Diseases of the lung that require surgical treatment

Rare surgical indications Less common, but not negligible, are operations in the thorax in case of failure or insufficient initial therapy. Surgery may be necessary in cases of recurrent fluid accumulating in the narrow gap between the lung and the chest (recurrent pleural effusion), insufficiently treatable, narrowly defined adhesions of the lung tissue (bronchiectasis), pulmonary … Rare surgical indications | Diseases of the lung that require surgical treatment

Prognosis | Diseases of the lung that require surgical treatment

Prognosis The individual prognosis of lung diseases requiring surgical treatment varies greatly. It depends on the exact clinical picture, the patient’s general condition, the type of surgical intervention and many other factors. As a general rule, it can only be predicted that the more lung tissue that has to be removed, the more difficult the … Prognosis | Diseases of the lung that require surgical treatment

Diagnosis | Brain metastases

Diagnosis If neurological symptoms occur, the possible presence of brain metastases must usually be considered. An orienting clinical examination provides initial indications of possible neurological deficits. For example, it is examined whether there are signs of cerebral pressure (e.g. a congestive papilla, swelling at the point where the optic nerve exits the eyeball), central paralysis … Diagnosis | Brain metastases

Brain metastases

A metastasis of cancer cells in the brain tissue is called brain metastasis. A distinction is made between cancer cells that originate in the brain itself (brain tumor) and cells that originate from malignant tumors outside the brain (brain metastases). Tumors that frequently form brain metastases are lung cancer, breast cancer, malignant melanoma and renal … Brain metastases

Symptoms | Brain metastases

Symptoms The symptoms caused by brain metastases are often initially very unspecific and are triggered by increasing intracranial pressure. Only when sensitive regions of the brain are affected or when metastasis has progressed can the symptoms be assigned more specifically to a disease with brain metastases. In about one third of cases, brain metastases cause … Symptoms | Brain metastases

Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome is an autosomal dominant inherited disorder based on mutations in the FLCN gene. Patients suffer from multiple skin lesions, lung cysts, and renal tumors. Treatment is limited to symptomatic resection and, if necessary, follow-up of the tumors. What is Birt-Hogg-Dube syndrome? Hereditary diseases are conditions caused by mutation(s) in one or more genes … Birt-Hogg-Dube Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

The tyrosine kinase

What is a tyrosine kinase? Tyrosine kinase is a specific group of enzymes that are functionally assigned to protein kinases in a biochemical sense. Protein kinases reversibly (possibility of back-reaction) transfer phosphate groups to the OH group (hydroxy group) of the amino acid tyrosine. The phosphate group is transferred to the hydroxy group of the … The tyrosine kinase

What is the tyrosine kinase receptor? | The tyrosine kinase

What is the tyrosine kinase receptor? The tyrosine kinase receptor represents a membrane-bound receptor, i.e. a receptor anchored in the cell membrane. Structurally, it is a receptor with a transmembrane complex. This means that the receptor passes through the entire cell membrane and also has an extra- and intracellular side. On the extracellular side, the … What is the tyrosine kinase receptor? | The tyrosine kinase

For which indications are they used? | The tyrosine kinase

For which indications are they used? Tyrosine kinase inhibitors are used for various malignant diseases. Imatinib is used in particular in chronic myeloid leukemia. Further applications are non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC), breast cancer and colon cancer. Due to the highly selective attack mechanism of tyrosine kinase inhibitors, they are generally better tolerated than conventional … For which indications are they used? | The tyrosine kinase