How do you detect breast cancer in men?

Introduction A large part of the population considers breast cancer (malignant alteration of the breast gland tissue) to be a typical women’s disease. In fact, it is predominantly women who develop breast cancer – about 70,000 per year. However, men can also be affected by breast cancer, although much less frequently (about 650 new cases … How do you detect breast cancer in men?

Phases of puberty

Definition Puberty (from Latin Pubertas = sexual maturity) describes a developmental process in late childhood and early adolescence, the so-called adolescence. In the course of puberty, complete sexual maturity occurs. Puberty is characterized by numerous drastic physical and psychological changes. The course of puberty can roughly be divided into 3 phases or stages. The three … Phases of puberty


Many couples start trying to have children only after a few years of being together. But often it is then not as easy as planned to turn this desire into reality. Sperm testing is an important piece of the puzzle in finding the cause. If the desire to have children becomes stronger and yet nothing … Spermiogram

Causes of hot flushes

Introduction Hot flashes are short episodes in which the blood vessels in certain parts of the body dilate and are flooded with warm blood. In most cases, the heat wave begins in the chest and then spreads throughout the body. Immediately afterwards, there is heavy sweating in the affected areas and then a slight chill. … Causes of hot flushes

These diseases can cause hot flashes | Causes of hot flushes

These diseases can cause hot flashes Hyperthyroidism, also called hyperthyroidism, means that the thyroid gland produces too many hormones for various reasons. The hormones of the thyroid gland have an influence on the metabolism and the cardiovascular system. If overproduction occurs, the metabolism is boosted and this increases the body temperature. However, this is only … These diseases can cause hot flashes | Causes of hot flushes

Psychosomatic causes of hot flashes | Causes of hot flushes

Psychosomatic causes of hot flashes The psyche and the body are very closely interwoven. In case of psychological stress, stress hormones are released and these stimulate the circulation and can also trigger hot flushes. But also other stressful events, partly from very old memories, can trigger physical symptoms. In many cases, the person affected is … Psychosomatic causes of hot flashes | Causes of hot flushes

Other causes of hot flashes | Causes of hot flushes

Other causes of hot flashes There is caffeine in coffee and some other beverages. In addition to its stimulating effect, caffeine has many approaches to the cardiovascular system. Caffeine increases the heart‘s beating power and also raises blood pressure and pulse rate. In addition, caffeine widens the peripheral vessels, i.e. blood vessels in the skin, … Other causes of hot flashes | Causes of hot flushes