Home Remedies for Calluses

Cornea not only looks unsightly, but can also lead to unpleasant discomfort and pain for many affected individuals. Often infections can lead to inflammation, so that for some people a regular treatment of the cornea is inevitable. Here the question arises for these persons, which home remedies can be used for the treatment of a … Home Remedies for Calluses

Onychauxis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Onychauxis is a disease that affects the nails of fingers and toes. The name of the disease is derived from the Greek language, where it comes from the terms ‘onyx’ for fingernail and ‘auxano’ for proliferation. Onychauxis is present in affected individuals either from birth or is acquired during the rest of life due to … Onychauxis: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Home Remedies for Calluses

Calluses, which are flatter than corns, are usually formed on heavily used areas of the foot, such as the heel or ball of the foot, and sometimes on the hands during heavy physical work (such as chopping wood or construction work). They are a protective mechanism with which the skin reacts to recurring strong pressure … Home Remedies for Calluses

Corn: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Hard or soft corn or crow’s eye is a preventable foot condition. Shoes that are too tight, constant friction or chronic pressure cause it. One could call the corn a widespread disease. However, it is not a disease in the true sense of the word. The tendency to orthopedically unsuitable footwear is the actual reason … Corn: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Ingrown toenail

Introduction The ingrown nail, Latin also called Unguis incarnatus, belongs to the mechanically caused changes of the nail. These occur more frequently at the big toe, more rarely at the fingers. Recurring inflammations often cause a vicious circle, which should be broken by a good and consistent treatment. Definition The ingrowth of the nail plate … Ingrown toenail

Which doctor treats the ingrown toenail? | Ingrown toenail

Which doctor treats the ingrown toenail? If you have an ingrown toenail, you should first of all consult your family doctor. He can make an initial assessment of the condition. Slight inflammations can be treated by a medical chiropodist and do not require medical treatment. More severe inflammations, however, require treatment. A conservative treatment is … Which doctor treats the ingrown toenail? | Ingrown toenail

Pain in the toenail

Pain in the toenail can occur at any age, in any person without any previous illnesses. Mostly the pain does not only affect the toenail but also the surrounding area. The toenail itself is not sensitive to pain, since the nail itself does not contain any pain fibers. This is a good thing, because otherwise … Pain in the toenail

Diagnosis | Pain in the toenail

Diagnosis The diagnosis of an ingrown toenail can usually be made by the patient himself/herself, since he/she recognizes the ingrown toenail and also has severe pain in the corresponding areas. Nail bed inflammation can also be recognized very well, but the patient cannot diagnose whether it is a bacterial, viral or mycotic nail bed inflammation. … Diagnosis | Pain in the toenail