Exercises against neck tensions in the office 4

“From an upright position, push your buttocks backwards as if you were closing a drawer with them. Your weight is thus shifted to your heels. The feet are slightly rotated outwards, the knees point in the same direction during flexion of max. 100° and are at no time above the tips of the feet (knees … Exercises against neck tensions in the office 4

Exercises against a hollow back

The hollow back is also called lumbar hyperlordosis in medical terminology. This means that the curvature of the spinal column is increased in the lumbar region. The facet joints are put under heavy strain and facet joint arthrosis can occur. In extreme cases, a vertebra may even slip ventrally (anterior). The so-called spondylolisthesis (spondylolisthesis), however, … Exercises against a hollow back

Further physiotherapeutic measures | Exercises against a hollow back

Further physiotherapeutic measures In addition to the gymnastic exercise program, manual therapeutic mobilization techniques can also be used in the treatment of the hollow back. Soft tissue treatments of the tense lower back muscles, often also the gluteal muscles and those of the back thigh, complement the active part of the treatment. In particularly severe … Further physiotherapeutic measures | Exercises against a hollow back

Exercises against abdominal fat

Due to a changed lifestyle, frequent sedentary activities, little movement in everyday life and at work, the overweight and abdominal fat in society has increased enormously. Stress has also increased in general, making it even more difficult to get up for sports after a long day at work. Especially during sports, endorphins are released, which … Exercises against abdominal fat