Inflammation joint

Definition Inflammation of the joint, also known in medical circles as arthritis, is a joint disease that originates in the synovial tissue. The synovial tissue is part of the joint capsule and consists of a certain type of cells that produce the joint fluid, the so-called synovia. A distinction is made between monoarthritis, in which … Inflammation joint


Definition Meningoencephalitis is a combined inflammation of the brain (encephalitis) and its meninges (meningitis). Meningoencephalitis partly combines the symptoms of the two inflammatory diseases and is caused by various pathogens. Most often, viruses are responsible for the disease. Especially people with a weakened immune system can fall ill with severe meningoencephalitis. In some cases, severe … Meningoencephalitis

Therapy of meningoencephalitis | Meningoencephalitis

Therapy of meningoencephalitis In the therapy of meningoencephalitis, which is mostly caused by a virus, the treating physician has only a few drugs at his disposal. Since there are only a few drugs that are effective against viruses (antiviral), most viral infections must be eliminated. Only a symptomatic treatment is recommended. In case of meningoencephalitis … Therapy of meningoencephalitis | Meningoencephalitis

What types of meningoencephalitis are there? | Meningoencephalitis

What types of meningoencephalitis are there? Meningoencephalitis herpetica is the inflammation of the brain caused by Herpes simplex virus I. Approximately 90% of the population carries the Herpes simplex virus I and many have experienced it at least once through lip herpes. If a person is infected with the virus, they are lifelong carriers of … What types of meningoencephalitis are there? | Meningoencephalitis

Non-purulent meningitis

Synonyms in a broader sense Meningitis, Meningitis serosa, Meningoencephalitis Medical: Menigitis serosa General Information General information on the topic (What is menigitis?) can be found under our topic: Meningitis Definition The term meningitis (inflammation of the meninges) describes an inflammation (-itis) of the meninges (meninges), which can be caused by very different pathogens. There are … Non-purulent meningitis

Chronic lymphocytic meningitis or (meningo-) encephalitis | Non-purulent meningitis

Chronic lymphocytic meningitis or (meningo-) encephalitis The pathogens of this form of meningitis are usually not viruses, but apart from Lyme disease, they frequently occur in poor countries, in HIV-infected persons and other patients with weakened immune system and show themselves with a slow reduction of personality, disturbances of attention and memory and increasing neurological … Chronic lymphocytic meningitis or (meningo-) encephalitis | Non-purulent meningitis

Herpesencephalitis | Inflammation of the brain

Herpesencephalitis An inflammation in the brain caused by bacteria, usually meningitis, must be treated as soon as possible. After the liquor has been taken for diagnostic purposes, antibiotic therapy is started immediately. Antibiotic-resistant strains can be found more and more often, especially in hospitals. The right combination of different effective drugs prevents the further development … Herpesencephalitis | Inflammation of the brain

Is an inflammation of the brain contagious? | Inflammation of the brain

Is an inflammation of the brain contagious? In Germany, most brain inflammations are caused by viruses. In addition to herpes viruses, these include the TBE viruses (early summer meningo-encephalitis viruses), mumps viruses, measles viruses, rubella viruses and many others. In themselves, all these viruses are primarily contagious. However, it is important to know that an … Is an inflammation of the brain contagious? | Inflammation of the brain

Prophylaxis | Inflammation of the brain

Prophylaxis A comprehensive vaccination of children lowers the risk of contracting various inflammatory pathogens. For example, vaccination against pneumococcus, meningococcus and Haemophilus influenzae “serotype B” is possible. The latter vaccination has become strongly established in recent years. When traveling to countries where the hygienic standard does not correspond to that in the local latitudes, one … Prophylaxis | Inflammation of the brain

Inflammation of the brain

Introduction When there is an inflammation in the brain, different areas can be affected. If the inflammation is in the brain itself, it is called encephalitis. If the meninges surrounding the brain are affected, the inflammatory change is called meningitis. It is also possible for both areas to fall ill together. This is called meningoencephalitis. … Inflammation of the brain