Menstrual Pain: What to Do?

Brief overview Treatment: Exercise, heat, medicinal plants (lady’s mantle, yarrow, monk’s pepper, St. John’s wort), pain and antispasmodic medications, treatment of underlying condition Prevention: hormonal contraceptives, endurance sports, balanced diet. Causes: Contractions of the uterine muscles; primary period pain not due to disease, secondary period pain due to an underlying disease such as endometriosis When … Menstrual Pain: What to Do?


Products Bextra film-coated tablets are no longer on the market in many countries. Approval was withdrawn in April 2005 because rare severe skin reactions had occurred during treatment (see below). Structure and properties Valdecoxib (C16H14N2O3S, Mr = 314.4 g/mol) is a phenylisoxazole and a benzenesulfonamide derivative. It has a V-shaped structure with which it binds … Valdecoxib

Pain of implantation

Definition – What is the implantation pain? The implantation of the egg, i.e. the penetration and connection of the egg with the uterine lining, takes place between the seventh and twelfth day after ovulation. The penetration of the egg into the mucous membrane causes a very small injury and may cause slight bleeding (nidation bleeding). … Pain of implantation

Where do you feel the implantation pain? | Pain of implantation

Where do you feel the implantation pain? Most women report pulling centrally in the lower abdomen, exactly where the uterus is located. Rarely can women locate the pain more precisely. When does one feel the implantation pain? The implantation takes place between the seventh and twelfth day after ovulation. However, as the female cycle is … Where do you feel the implantation pain? | Pain of implantation

Abdominal Pain (Stomach Ache)

Symptoms Abdominal pain manifests as diffuse or clearly localizable pain or cramps in the abdominal area. They may be accompanied by digestive complaints such as diarrhea, flatulence, and vomiting. To be distinguished from this are stomach pains that occur at about the level of the sternum. Causes There are numerous causes of abdominal pain or … Abdominal Pain (Stomach Ache)

Pain during menstruation

Synonyms Dysmenorrhea; menstrual pain The term “menstrual pain” (pain during menstruation/period) refers to the occurrence of mild to severe, pulling abdominal pain that occurs during the rejection of the uterine lining. Introduction Pain during menstruation/period is usually experienced by very young women. Especially young girls who are having their period for the first time may … Pain during menstruation

Frequency | Pain during menstruation

Frequency Pain during menstruation/period is not uncommon. Every woman suffers at least once during her life from moderate to severe pain during menstruation/period. It is even estimated that about 30 to 50 percent of women suffer from regular pain during menstruation. The so-called “endometriosis” (dislocation of endometrial cells) is the most common cause of secondary … Frequency | Pain during menstruation

Diagnosis | Pain during menstruation

Diagnosis If a woman experiences recurrent and/or particularly severe pain during menstruation/period, a gynecologist should be consulted urgently. In many cases, the symptoms can be relieved in the long term after successful diagnosis. The most important step in the diagnosis of pain during menstruation/period is the detailed doctor-patient consultation (anamnesis) during which the quality and … Diagnosis | Pain during menstruation


Products Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDs) are available in numerous dosage forms. These include film-coated tablets, tablets, sustained-release tablets, oral suspensions, oral granules, suppositories, NSAID eye drops, lozenges, emulsifying gels, and creams (selection). The first active ingredient from this group was salicylic acid, which was used medicinally in the 19th century in the form of the … NSAID

Kitchen clamp

Pulsatilla vulgaris Cowbell, Easterflower, Sleeping Flower The pasque flower is a spring flowering plant. From a vertical root grow up to 25 cm high flower stems, silky hairy. In the end, the pasque flower has large, blue and bell-shaped flowers with yellow stamens. Flowering time: March to May. Occurrence: On sunny, dry locations, the pasque … Kitchen clamp

Menstrual Cramps

Symptoms The most common symptoms include cramping or dull abdominal pain. In addition, numerous other symptoms may occur, such as headache, menstrual migraine, back pain, pain in the legs, loss of appetite, nausea and vomiting, diarrhea, weakness, dizziness, flushing of the skin, flushing, sleep disturbances, mood swings, depression, irritability, and nervousness. The symptoms first appear … Menstrual Cramps