Pain in the abdomen

You are female and looking for a possible cause for your abdominal pain? Then you will find helpful information in our following article. Pain in the abdomen is a common problem especially for women. However, the causes are manifold and sometimes difficult to find. In the woman’s abdomen there are, among others: If you are … Pain in the abdomen

Diagnosis | Pain in the abdomen

Diagnosis Diagnosis can be extremely difficult, as the pain often radiates or is diffuse and therefore an exact localization cannot be determined. Nevertheless, an exact anamnesis is essential, as it can provide important clues to a serious illness. Particularly important for the anamnesis are Depending on the suspicion of the disease, various examinations may be … Diagnosis | Pain in the abdomen

Menstrual pain – what to do?

Synonyms Treatment of menstrual pain Introduction Basically one can treat menstrual pain on three levels: In addition, nausea can also occur in the premenstrual syndrome, in addition to abdominal pain. Drug therapy Alternative healing methods (e.g. naturopathy) Physical measures (e.g. heat) For acute menstrual pain, various painkillers can help. Butylscopolamine (Buscopan®) can be administered as … Menstrual pain – what to do?