Headaches/nausea caused by the malposition | Malpositions of the cervical spine

Headaches/nausea caused by the malposition A malposition in the cervical spine results in restricted movement and increased tone of the surrounding muscles. These are overactive, as they try to compensate for the malposition. This tension can reach up to the skull and thus constantly exert tension on it.Both factors together reduce the quality of life … Headaches/nausea caused by the malposition | Malpositions of the cervical spine

Exercises for at home | Malpositions of the cervical spine

Exercises for at home Exercises for the cervical spine should be performed regularly. Loosening exercises are different from strengthening exercises. At work it is especially important to create a “good working atmosphere” for the spine. This means that the computer, machine, etc. is set up in such a way that you can work without increased … Exercises for at home | Malpositions of the cervical spine

Pain on the instep

Introduction The term pain on the instep refers to pain that can occur at various points on the foot. The back of the foot is particularly affected. Different causes can be the triggers for the complaints. Furthermore, different structures such as bones, ligaments, tendons or muscles can also be affected. Symptoms Pain on the instep … Pain on the instep

Bone reconstruction

Synonyms Bone structure, bone formation, skeleton Medical: Os The braided bone and the Lamellar bones The periosteum is located on the outside, This is followed by the layer of compacta and then The layer of cancellous bone. The inner periosteum (endosteum) still lies on the inside. The periosteum consists of a taut, mesh-like collagenous layer … Bone reconstruction

The Creatine Kinase

Introduction Creatine kinase is an enzyme that ensures that the cells have sufficient energy available through a biochemical reaction. It is found in the muscle cells and in the brain and is always released by the body when the muscle tissue is damaged due to illness or stress. This can be the case during sports … The Creatine Kinase