Cause of cramps

Introduction A cramp is the contraction of the muscles, which is usually short-lived and is distinguished from a muscle spasm or contracture. The causes of cramps are manifold and are partly based on previous illnesses. There are also muscle spasms without any disease value. Paraphysiological cramps Muscle cramps can be divided into three major groups. … Cause of cramps

Horner Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment

Horner syndrome refers to specific nerve damage that affects various eye muscles. The condition consists of a three-part symptom complex (a so-called symptom triad): this symptom triad includes a drooping upper eyelid, significant pupil constriction, and an eyeball that sinks into the eye socket. What is Horner syndrome? The trisection described above of pupil constriction, … Horner Syndrome: Causes, Symptoms & Treatment


Clonus, spasmgl. : convulsion Definition Cramps in general are temporary, rhythmically contracting muscle parts (musculature) under pain. Introduction Everybody knows the situation when you feel a twinge, pinch and pull in one muscle during a sporting effort. The musculature has cramped and hurts. As a result, you can no longer call up your performance. What … Cramps

Localization of cramps | Cramps

Localization of cramps Many people suffer from cramps in the legs at least once during their life, it is estimated that 40% of the population is affected. The cramps can occur at different times of the day and in different situations. For example, some people are awakened by calf cramps at night. For others, the … Localization of cramps | Cramps

Research | Cramps

Research The treatment of muscle spasms in acute cases is the immediate stretching of the affected muscle or the tensing of the antagonist of the affected muscle. In calf cramps, for example, the affected leg is stretched out and the toes are pulled upwards while the knee is pushed through completely. Regular passive stretching exercises … Research | Cramps

Prevention | Cramps

Prevention If you want to prevent muscle cramps effectively, it is recommended that you always drink enough fluids and also pay attention to your electrolyte balance. A balanced diet also contributes to the prevention of muscle cramps. Foods rich in magnesium such as nuts, spinach and wholemeal products should be on the menu. Unhealthy foods … Prevention | Cramps

Types of cramps | Cramps

Types of cramps Muscle cramps can be divided into different types. Paraphysiological cramps are the most common types of cramps and occur as a result of very intensive muscle strain, such as that which can occur after a competition (marathon, soccer match, etc.). Symptomatic cramps are usually caused by a neurological or internal disease and … Types of cramps | Cramps

Temple-crown muscle

Synonyms Latin: Musculus temporoparietalis Definition The temple-crown-muscle belongs to the mimic musculature and stretches here the tendon plate, which serves several muscles for the approach. It moves the scalp backwards. History Base: Tendon plate of the skull (Galea aponeurotica) Origin: above the ear on the tendon of the temporal muscle Innervation: N. facialis Function The … Temple-crown muscle