Evaluation – Is the glutamine intake reasonable? | Glutamine for muscle building

Evaluation – Is the glutamine intake reasonable? As with any dietary supplement, the question of intake is often one of budget. The term dietary supplement already implies that an additional intake is not mandatory. Glutamine is already contained in reasonable doses in some dairy products and furthermore is not an essential amino acid, but can … Evaluation – Is the glutamine intake reasonable? | Glutamine for muscle building

Exercises for a cervical spine syndrome

Introduction Since “cervical spine syndrome” is a collective term for pain in the cervical spine, but does not represent a defined clinical picture, it is difficult to formulate uniform exercises. Depending on the symptom-causing structure, there are different approaches. In physiotherapeutic treatment, the structure should first be defined by specific findings. However, there are typical … Exercises for a cervical spine syndrome

Isometric exercises | Exercises for a cervical spine syndrome

Isometric exercises An isometric exercise describes the muscular tension without a change in muscle length. It therefore means a contraction of the muscle without a noticeable change in the position visible from the outside. This form of muscle training is often used as part of posture training or relaxation exercises. A good example of isometric … Isometric exercises | Exercises for a cervical spine syndrome

Summary | Exercises for a cervical spine syndrome

Summary All exercise suggestions mentioned here are subject to prior consultation with the therapist. Especially when symptoms occur, the performance of the exercises should be controlled. An individual training program depends on the structure that causes the symptoms of the cervical spine syndrome and must be tailored to the patient. All articles in this series: … Summary | Exercises for a cervical spine syndrome

Muscle relaxants

What are muscle relaxants? Muscle relaxants are special drugs that cause the muscle cells to relax. This effect is particularly used in anesthesia to induce anesthesia. Muscle relaxation is also of great importance for the ventilation of a patient during an operation. In addition, muscle relaxants can be used to release tense muscles in the … Muscle relaxants

These muscle relaxants are available without prescription | Muscle relaxants

These muscle relaxants are available without prescription Not all products sold as muscle relaxants are available on prescription. Rather, a large number of products with antispasmodic effects are also available without a prescription. Most of these are plant-based preparations. These include rosemary, valerian, lavender or horseradish. However, whether and how such preparations work is usually … These muscle relaxants are available without prescription | Muscle relaxants

The effect | Muscle relaxants

The effect The effect of muscle relaxants also differs depending on the group of muscle relaxants. The peripheral muscle relaxants act on the skeletal muscles. Skeletal muscles are those muscles that can be moved at will – such as lifting an arm. Peripheral muscle relaxants can in turn be divided into two classes. There are … The effect | Muscle relaxants

The interaction | Muscle relaxants

The interaction Due to the large number of different muscle relaxants, different interactions are possible. Most centrally acting muscle relaxants enhance the effect of other drugs that have a damping effect on the nervous system. These include certain painkillers such as opiates, but also sleeping pills or antidepressants. The effect of pyridostigmine, on the other … The interaction | Muscle relaxants