Calmodulin: Function & Diseases

The complex cellular and physiological processes in living organisms require finely tuned regulation at the molecular level to ensure the adaptability of, for example, an animal or a plant to its habitat. To this end, numerous molecules exist that intervene in processes such as cell communication, metabolism or cell division. One of these molecules is … Calmodulin: Function & Diseases

Further physiotherapeutic measures | Exercises from physiotherapy for the back

Further physiotherapeutic measures Correct movements and changing loads and reliefs are essential for a healthy back. A complex system of passive and active structures forms the stable back of the trunk – the connection between the head, upper and lower limbs. The body always adapts to current situations and requirements. What is not needed is … Further physiotherapeutic measures | Exercises from physiotherapy for the back

Further physiotherapeutic measures | Physiotherapy – exercises for the cervical spine

Further physiotherapeutic measures Further measures to loosen muscles of the cervical spine (HWS) or to give support and relief to structures is the taping. In acutely tense cases a heat therapy by means of fango is appropriate, in combination with a classical Massage therapy. However, this only treats the symptom at that moment – in … Further physiotherapeutic measures | Physiotherapy – exercises for the cervical spine

Aims of the exercises | Physiotherapy – exercises for the cervical spine

Aims of the exercises For the treatment of the cervical spine (cervical spine), depending on the results of the examination, different goals of the exercises are in the foreground. If an instability has been detected, the stabilizing muscles and possibly the coordination must be trained by special exercises. In the case of blockages in the … Aims of the exercises | Physiotherapy – exercises for the cervical spine

Physiotherapeutic diagnostics in physiotherapy | Physiotherapy – exercises for the cervical spine

Physiotherapeutic diagnostics in physiotherapy In the physiotherapeutic examination of the cervical spine (cervical spine), the so-called “safety tests” in physiotherapy are always carried out first to ensure that important stabilizing ligaments are intact and that the brain supply by the A. vertebralis is not disturbed. In order to test the artery in physiotherapeutic diagnostics in … Physiotherapeutic diagnostics in physiotherapy | Physiotherapy – exercises for the cervical spine