Cause of multiple sclerosis | Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Cause of multiple sclerosis Until today the cause of multiple sclerosis has not been thoroughly researched, only theories can be put forward. Relevant in the pathophysiology of multiple sclerosis are the so-called myelin sheaths. Like fatty tubes, these sheath the nerves in sections. The function of the myelin sheaths is to accelerate the transmission of … Cause of multiple sclerosis | Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Course of multiple sclerosis | Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Course of multiple sclerosis Depending on the patient, the course of multiple sclerosis can vary and can be more severe in some cases and milder in others. In the relapsing-remitting form (the most common form of multiple sclerosis), the symptoms decrease completely after the relapses. This is the most favorable course for the patient, as … Course of multiple sclerosis | Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis and pregnancy | Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Multiple sclerosis and pregnancy In terms of gender, multiple sclerosis affects women more often than men. This raises the question of whether pregnancy is also possible without complaints in cases of diagnosed multiple sclerosis. As already mentioned, the multiple Sklerose is not inherited to the child.Only the predisposition would be present, but it is not … Multiple sclerosis and pregnancy | Symptoms of multiple sclerosis

Cramps despite magnesium intake – What can I do?

Introduction – Cramps despite magnesium Fighting is generally understood to be the temporary, usually painful, contraction of muscles. One of the most common reasons for cramps is a lack of magnesium. If the cramps occur despite magnesium intake, this can have many different causes: Firstly, paraphysiological cramps after overexertion and are usually the result of … Cramps despite magnesium intake – What can I do?

Prognosis | Cramps despite magnesium intake – What can I do?

Prognosis With an appropriate healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet, cramps in the calf and feet disappear within a short time. If they persist, a neurological clarification is necessary. Daily exercise and massages also have a positive effect. These can also be prescribed by a doctor and are then performed by a physiotherapist. Neurological diseases … Prognosis | Cramps despite magnesium intake – What can I do?

Cramps despite magnesium intake during pregnancy | Cramps despite magnesium intake – What can I do?

Cramps despite magnesium intake during pregnancy Pregnant women often experience fluctuations in the concentration of electrolytes during pregnancy. A magnesium deficiency is often responsible for cramps, especially in the legs. If cramps occur despite magnesium intake, the dose of magnesium should perhaps be reconsidered, as it may not be sufficient. If cramps occur despite the … Cramps despite magnesium intake during pregnancy | Cramps despite magnesium intake – What can I do?

Complications of scarlet fever

Introduction Scarlet fever is an infection caused by certain bacteria called streptococci. The infection usually leads to symptoms such as fever and sore throat, as well as swelling and redness of the tonsils. The tongue can also appear red after some time, this symptom is called raspberry tongue (scarlet tongue). After a few days a … Complications of scarlet fever

Acute rheumatic fever (ARF) | Complications of scarlet fever

Acute rheumatic fever (ARF) Acute rheumatic fever is the body’s response to a streptococcal infection, which occurs about three weeks after the actual illness. The most feared complications are rheumatic endocarditis, myocarditis and pericarditis. As a consequence, without adequate antibiotic therapy, heart failure usually occurs, which usually ends fatally. Also with antibiotic administration the heart … Acute rheumatic fever (ARF) | Complications of scarlet fever

Neurological abnormalities | Complications of scarlet fever

Neurological abnormalities The neurological abnormalities after a streptococcal infection can be summarized in three main clinical pictures. Tourette’s syndrome is a disease that causes so-called tics. These usually occur in the form of very sudden movements. Characteristic for the disease are also aggressive expressions that suddenly bubble out of affected persons. PANDAS is a disease … Neurological abnormalities | Complications of scarlet fever